Page 67 of She Saw What He Did

‘Mum and Sam are our priority,’ he‘d said firmly. ‘She shouldn’t have stolen from us, Abby.’

I turn towards him.

‘Are you awake?’ I ask.

‘Of course,’ he says wearily.

‘Maria and Kristof are dead. It’s on the news. These people who …’ I falter. ‘Who killed Maria, can’t be the same people who have Sam can they?’

‘No,’ he assures me.

My cheeks are wet. I hadn’t realised I’d been crying. Maybe I never stopped. My shoulder throbs when I move and I grimace.

‘I’m putting extra bolts on the doors,’ he says.

There are dark circles under his eyes. We’re still wearing our sweaty clothes from yesterday. I should shower but how can I do normal things when Sam is all alone. Is she calling for me? Is she distressed?

‘Oh God,’ I groan.

‘We need to act normal,’ he says, walking into the bathroom.

‘Normal?’ I repeat. ‘A madman has our daughter and you want us to act normal?’

‘They could be watching us,’ he says.

‘They,’ I say, more alarmed than ever. ‘How many do you think there are?’

‘I don’t know. I think we need to contact the police.’

‘But if we do, he may hurt Sam.’

‘We’ll be better protected,’ he says. ‘We give the police the box and …’

‘No,’ I say firmly. ‘What If he comes for the box and we can’t give it to him?’

‘And what if those other people come for it, Abby?’

‘Oh God,’ I groan. ‘I don’t know.’

He takes my hand and says softly,

‘It’s going to be okay. Our focus is on getting Sam and Mum back.’

‘You should eat something, Jared,’ I say worriedly.

‘Don’t worry about me.’

There’s a light tap at the door and then Joe peeks his head around.

‘I’ve been thinking. All night I’ve been thinking. The police are bound to come here. What if someone saw you at the cleaner’s house? They may have taken down your registration and reported it to the police. What the hell do we say if the police come here?’

‘We lie,’ says Jared flatly. ‘We do everything we’re told.’

I look at my phone for the hundredth time.

‘Why doesn’t he call us? Why hasn’t he come for the box?’

Jared rubs his tired eyes.