Page 66 of She Saw What He Did

‘I still don’t understand how this is connected to Abby and Jared Miller,’ she said.

‘It might not be. It’s just me and my suspicious mind. The odd thing is a woman phoned the police reporting a situation at the house in Gloucester Road.’

‘It was most likely a neighbour,’ said Ellen.

‘Maybe you’re right but I think we should look into it, don’t you? I was wondering if you wanted to make a little trip to Fernsea with me. That’s if crime on the island isn’t bogging you down.’

Ellen felt herself blush. From the corner of her eye she saw Peter enter the pub. She waved, and he strolled towards her in that arrogant fashion that he had.

He leaned across and pecked her on the cheek.

‘Sorry I’m late,’ he said.

She smiled and turned back to her phone.

‘Do you think it could be connected to the investigation?’ she asked.

She thought she saw Peter roll his eyes.

‘I don’t know but I think we should check it out. There’s no harm in visiting the Millers. By the way, there may be a job coming up here at Porthaven. I thought you might appreciate some advanced warning.’

‘Thanks. I’ll come tomorrow.’

‘Great,’ said Weis. ‘I’ll meet you and we can go straight to Fernsea.’

Ellen hung up and turned to Peter.

‘What was that?’ she asked.

‘What?’ said Peter, feigning surprise.

‘That look you just gave me when I mentioned the investigation.’

‘It’s all you go on about lately. That murder, which no one is certain was a murder, and …’

‘They found a body,’ said Ellen.

‘But you said yourself it may not be the one.’

‘Anyway,’ she said dismissively, ‘Shall we eat now that you’re finally here?’

She picked up the menu and studied it.

‘I got held up at the hotel,’ he said.

‘As usual,’ she said crossly.

He turned his attention to the menu and Ellen found herself wondering what the job was at Porthaven.

Chapter Forty


Light streams in through a chink in the curtain. Jared and I haven’t slept. We’ve just lain on top of the bed, our ears pricked for any sound. I’ve had to fight down hysteria several times. I can’t bear not knowing where Sam and Daphne are. Is Sam okay? She hates sleeping without her teddy. Is she in the dark? Is she afraid? Thank God Daphne is with her. I’d clutched Sam’s teddy close to me all night. I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless. I can hear Joe moving around in the spare bedroom next door. I glance down at my phone. I’m hopeful of a message from Daphne, but of course there is nothing. I lean down and reach for the charger. The news headlines flash onto the screen and I reel at the photo of Maria and Kristof. ‘Couple found murdered in Cornwall.’

‘Oh God,’ I say, letting out a sob.

I can’t believe they’re dead. We should have done something. We shouldn’t have left them. I’d been saying it over and over to Jared. What had they gone through?