Page 59 of She Saw What He Did

He hurried from the basement closing the door with a clang behind him. Daphne heard him shoot across several bolts and began to feel claustrophobic immediately.

‘Let’s look at the games,’ she said, fighting down her panic.

‘When are we going home?’ asked Sam.

‘Very soon,’ said Daphne, pulling drinks from the fridge. She fumbled for her angina pill and placed it under her tongue. She had to get them out of here but how?



My phone trills and I pull it hurriedly from my bag.

‘Sorry,’ I say, getting up from the table.

Daphne’s name flashes onto the screen and relief floods my body. I hadn’t been able to eat for worrying.

‘No problem,’ smiles Pearl.

I walk to the entrance of the restaurant and click into my phone.

‘Hi Daphne, I’ve been trying to reach you. How’s it going?’

There’s a horrible silence and then a voice says.

‘Is that Abby Miller?’

‘Yes, who is this?’

Why isn’t Daphne answering her own phone? Oh God has something happened to Sam? My body turns cold and my heart starts to pound in my chest. People push past me to leave the restaurant.

‘Sorry,’ I mutter, trying to get out of their way. ‘Where’s Daphne?’ I ask, my voice hoarse.

‘Keep calm. I have your daughter and mother-in-law.’

I gasp.

‘Who are you? Where’s my daughter? Let me speak to Daphne.’

‘You have that box, don’t you? The box you found on the island?’

I fight back the urge to scream to everyone who passes.

‘Help me,’ I want to yell. ‘Please help me.’

‘Yes,’ I say in a whisper.

‘Good. Don’t worry, they are both safe and they’ll stay that way as long as you do everything you’re told.’

I groan and flail around for something to support me.

‘Are you okay?’ says a voice.

I reel around to see a kindly faced man looking at me.

‘Careful what you say,’ warns the voice at the other end of the phone.

‘Yes, yes, just a bit faint. I’ll be fine,’ I stutter.