Page 48 of She Saw What He Did

I listen to the story along with the children and wish so much that I could go back to how things were before we went to the islands. Before Jared had that stupid affair and when we were the perfect happy family.

Chapter Thirty-One

‘We estimate that the deceased was aged around thirty-two and died from severe blows to the head. The wounds are consistent with being hit by a heavy blunt object. We can assume from the strength of the blows that the killer is a man. It’s unlikely that any woman would have the strength to inflict those wounds,’ said Detective Bill Waters, head of forensics. Ellen sat in Colin Weis’ office and studied the report while occasionally glancing at her phone. She’d tried Peter several times and had got his voicemail. He was probably busy at the hotel, she told herself. She sent a text and checked she hadn’t received any. Everything must be okay on the island. She’d filled Ryan in earlier and had felt vindicated.

‘It looks like our guy,’ she’d told him.

‘So the Millers did witness a murder,’ he’d said, trying to hide his surprise but failing miserably.

‘I never doubted Abby Miller,’ said Ellen.

‘I won’t live this down,’ he’d chuckled.

She turned now to Weis.

‘Did he have a wallet on him?’

Bill looked to Weis and raised his eyebrows. Ellen blushed. It was a stupid question.

‘No. Most likely it was removed by the killer or sucked out by the pull of the water. Unfortunately he has no tattoos or distinguishing marks that we can mention in the press release.’

Weis looked at Ellen.

‘On reflection, Ellen, we will need to mention that a couple witnessed a murder on Laslow Island. No names need to be mentioned.’

Ellen bit her lip.

‘I’ve assured Abby Miller that their names won’t be revealed.’

‘I guarantee it,’ said Weis, with a smile.

‘I’ll phone her,’ said Ellen.

‘Use the office next door,’ offered Weis.

Ellen closed the door of the small office, relieved to be away from the two detectives for a while. She took a deep breath and filled a cup from the water dispenser. It hadn’t been the awful ordeal she had imagined it was going to be. She’d made a good effort of looking calm when in fact she had been shaking inside. Now she felt exhausted but knew more than ever that she wanted to do real police work. She picked up the phone and dialled Abby Miller’s number. Abby answered immediately.

‘I wanted to tell you that the press release will mention a couple witnessing a murder on Laslow Island five days ago.’

There was silence.

‘Hello, Mrs Miller?’ questioned Ellen, wondering if they had been cut off.

‘Yes, I understand,’ said Abby.

‘At least we have a body,’ said Ellen.

‘As long as our names aren’t mentioned,’ said Abby nervously.

‘Of course,’ said Ellen. ‘We have no intention of making your names public.’

But Ellen couldn’t help wondering how long they could keep the Miller’s name out of the public eye.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Jared clasps my hand tightly. We sit closely together on the couch. Daphne is putting Sam to bed and Joe pours us all a glass of wine. I watch him fill our glasses and think what a good thing Sergeant Lester can’t see us now. I’d made such a thing about us being responsible parents and yet all I’ve done since we returned is drink copious amounts of wine. The news bursts onto the screen and I’m riveted. Jared sits forward. It’s headline news. I hadn’t been expecting that and my heart beats that little bit faster. Burden won’t let me down. They won’t mention our names. She’d promised.