Page 43 of She Saw What He Did

‘Can you take me,’ Ellen interrupted.

‘Oh yes. I’m not doing anything else.’

Ellen arranged to be at the airport in twenty minutes. She grabbed her coat and then sent Ryan a text.

They’ve found a body on Newlyn Beach. I’m flying there now. I’ll let you know.

Her phone rang immediately. It was Ryan.

‘That’s a surprise,’ he said. ‘Do you want me to come with you?’

Ellen chewed her nail. She really wanted to get to Porthaven as soon as possible.

‘Don’t worry,’ she said casually. ‘It most likely isn’t our man. Best you’re around just in case there is an emergency.’

‘Which there won’t be,’ he broke in. ‘We’ve not had an emergency as such in five years, so I doubt we’re going to have two in the space of a week.’

Ellen hurried to her car.

‘I’ll let you know what developments there are.’

‘Who found it?’ he asked.

‘I don’t know. Weis never said.’

‘Well, have fun,’ he laughed. ‘Scott and I will make sure there’s no mayhem on the island while you’re away.’

Ellen didn’t consider it fun for one minute. Why did everyone have to tease her simply because she wanted to do proper police work? For Abby and Jared Miller’s sake, she wanted a body to be found. It was humiliating for them having no one believe their story.

She arrived at the airport ten minutes later, feeling apprehensive. Her stomach was rolling with nerves. The truth was, in all her time in the police force she’d never seen anything gruesome or been put in a dangerous situation. The thought of a killer on the islands sent an icy chill through her. Bert waved as she walked into the airport lounge.

‘All ready for you,’ he said, leading her out to the waiting helicopter.

‘Never had this kind of excitement before,’ he said, helping her up into the cockpit. ‘Who’d have thought it?’

Ellen realised her hands were trembling.

‘Let’s keep it under wraps, shall we?’ she said firmly.

‘Oh, right, of course,’ said Bert.

From his tone of voice Ellen knew he had already shared the news. The flight seemed to take forever and the fluttering in Ellen’s stomach just got worse and she couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or dread.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sparrow stared at the phone. It seemed to ring forever. Finally he found the courage to answer it.



‘Yeah, it’s me.’

‘Have you made your decision?’

‘I want half up front. I’ll need to get things and …’

‘I’ll get back to you.’