‘I don’t understand what’s going on. Why doesn’t Scott tell us what is happening?’ said Cheryl to anyone in the pub who would listen.
Scott was watching the news on his laptop at the station. Weis was in regular contact and Scott was grateful for that. Did Ryan have Ellen?
‘Jesus,’ he muttered looking around the deserted office. The fluffy owl seemed to mock him from its place in the corner. He felt like he was living in a nightmare.
The news of Ellen Burden’s disappearance made the TV news just as Lester got near to the stately home. He was unaware of it. The radio in the Fiesta didn’t work.
Security near Asquith Hall was tight as he’d known it would be.
‘I’m not going any nearer,’ he told Abby, stopping the car.
He checked the time on the dashboard.
‘You can walk from here.’
Abby’s face was a white mask. She’d been deathly still since he’d hit the man. He hadn’t wanted to do it. She surely realised that. She wasn’t trembling or shaking as she had been earlier. She was just still. It unnerved Lester.
‘You okay?’ he asked.
She turned to look at him.
‘You didn’t have to hit him like that. What if you’ve killed him?’ she said flatly.
‘We don’t have time to talk about that now. Give me the box.’
She seemed to shake herself into action and reached into her bag. He stared at the box nervously. He already had a good idea what was in it and he didn’t want anything going wrong while he was near it.
He reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a black drawstring bag. From that he took an even smaller bag and then produced a slim black box resembling a cigarette case. He checked the time again. Five minutes to go.
Abby watched fascinated as Lester removed a key card from the slim box. He stared at it nervously and Abby wondered for a moment if he was going to lose his nerve. Maybe he wouldn’t go through with it. Her heart raced with fear. What if she couldn’t get in? What if the security guards became suspicious and arrested her? Sparrow swallowed. His hands shook. Abby checked the time. It was nearly six o’clock. He had to do it soon. She watched anxiously as Lester laid the key card against the box. There was a click and Abby tensed. She waited for the box to disintegrate in front of them but of course it didn’t. She now had one hour. Lester was panting beside her. He was scared too, she thought.
‘Go,’ he said.
She turned and fiddled with the door handle.
‘It won’t open,’ she said, panic in her voice.
Lester hesitated. He didn’t want to lean over her. Finally he got out of the car and hurried around to the passenger door, yanking it open.
‘For fuck’s sake,’ he growled. ‘Go, get on with it.’
Asquith Hall was surrounded. There were police everywhere. Abby forced her shoulders back and walked forward to the gate.
‘Evening, can I help you?’ said one of the policemen stepping in front of her.
‘Hello,’ she smiled.
Could he see her lips quivering, she wondered.
‘I’m kitchen staff. I’m late. I’m waiting at the table,’ she said.
‘What’s your name?’ the police officer asked, looking down at a list.