Page 108 of She Saw What He Did

She smiled at the sight of the shiny new Mini. It made a change from her banged up old Seat back on the island. She climbed into the car and her face lit up when she saw it was automatic.

She’d only driven an automatic once in her life and she’d loved it.

But it was wildly different, and she felt strangely out of control and if there was one thing Ellen hated, it was being out of control. It didn’t seem right not to be changing gears. The roads were busier in Porthaven than they were on the islands. She found herself wishing Weis had come with her. It seemed strange to be travelling to the Millers without him. Google maps directed her to turn right and she saw the sign directing her to Combemill, the Millers’ village. Her mobile rang again, and she glanced down at it where it sat on the passenger seat. It was Scott again. She ought to phone him when she got to the Millers. It stopped and immediately rang again. Scott’s name came up on the screen. Perhaps she should take it. It seemed odd for him to phone so many times. It must be important. Her mind went to Peter. Had something happened? She pulled into a lay-by and called Scott.

‘Ellen, at last,’ he said, sounding relieved.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, worried by the panic in his voice.

He let out a long breath.

‘I’m not sure. Ryan’s gone missing.’

Ellen felt her heart skip a beat.

‘Missing?’ she repeated.

‘Yeah … I … God, there’s so much. I went to see Gareth Richards after he reported some of his shotgun cartridges had gone missing and the last person to visit the Richards’ gun cabinet was Ryan. Anyway, he didn’t come into work so I tried to phone him and when I couldn’t get hold of him I went to his flat …’

‘Slow down, Scott, you’re talking too fast. I thought you said Ryan had gone missing?’ interrupted Ellen.

‘There was no one at his flat when I got there but Ryan phoned while I was there to say he was sick and was resting at home, but he wasn’t.’

He hesitated, and Ellen waited patiently.

‘Anyway, I don’t know why I was suspicious, but I went through his computer …’

‘Scott!’ she said, shocked.

‘I know but … Anyway, his internet search history is full of the Millers and where they live. He also did a search on the Ukrainian guy.’

‘Just sounds like he’s doing his job,’ said Ellen, checking her watch.

‘But how could he search for the Ukrainian guy using his name when the name Artem Taris hadn’t even been released by the police?’

Ellen frowned.

‘I don’t know what you mean,’

‘Ryan knew the guy’s name days before we did. He did a google search on him.’

‘Have you asked him about it?’

‘That’s just it. I can’t get hold of him. I went back to his flat and got the landlord to let me in. The place has been trashed. Totally ransacked. Everything smashed or ripped to bits.’


Ellen tried to make sense of what he was saying, but failed.

‘There’s something else,’ he said.

He seemed to hesitate.

‘What is it?’ asked Ellen.

‘He has photos of you everywhere; at home, on his computer, in his desk drawer. It looks like he’s obsessed with you.’

Chapter Sixty-Seven