‘You’ve got thirty seconds. I don’t have time to do it twice. Do you understand? Tell her to be a good girl until it’s time for her to come home.’
I nod and hurriedly brush the tears from my face. He holds up the camera and I look into it.
‘Go,’ he orders.
I swallow, trying to get some moisture to my dry throat. I must act normally. I don’t want to spook her.
‘Hello darling, it’s Mummy. You’re coming home tomorrow. Isn’t that lovely …’ I falter, and Jared squeezes my knee.
Lester glares at me.
‘But you must be a good girl for the man. Just be quiet and wait with Nana. Can you do that for Mummy? I love …’
‘That’s it,’ he says.
I’m instantly bereft. He didn’t even let me say I loved her. He knows it’s my last chance.
‘You’re an evil bastard,’ I hiss.
‘Deliver the box tomorrow, on time. I’m going to take you just to make sure you don’t make any mistakes. I don’t trust you to activate the box. I’ll be here at five.’
‘How do we contact you if …?’ Jared asks.
‘Don’t be a wanker,’ snaps Lester.
He looks into my eyes, and I search for some kindness in his but find nothing.
‘Your daughter is relying on you.’
Chapter Sixty-Six
Scott debated whether to try Ellen again. She must have got his message. He was about to punch in her number when a blue Golf turned into the street. He dropped the phone back into his pocket and went to greet Rick Watts.
‘Alright?’ asked Rick, climbing from the car and lighting a cigarette. ‘Where’s Ryan?’
‘I need you to let me into his flat,’ said Scott, waving away Rick’s cigarette smoke.
‘Like I said on the phone, I really don’t think I can do that. As his landlord I have to consider his privacy.’
Scott’s eyes narrowed.
‘You’ll be obstructing me from doing my job if you don’t.’
Rick laughed nervously and sucked on his cigarette.
‘Have you phoned Ryan?’ he asked, exhaling smoke through his nostrils.
Scott straightened his shoulders. It was hot, and his shirt was sticking to his chest. He really wasn’t in the mood to stand here arguing with Rick.
‘Like I told you on the phone,’ said Scott. ‘I’d rather you let me in than I get a locksmith. It’s up to you. I don’t have the time to waste.’
‘Well …’
Scott pulled his phone out.
‘I need to get into Ryan’s flat one way or the other.’
‘Alright, there’s no need to take off the lock,’ panicked Rick. ‘It’ll cost me to get a new one put on.’