‘Oh yes,’ she said, suddenly recognising him.
‘I hope this isn’t a bad time,’ he said, forcing a smile.
‘I wasn’t expecting anyone,’ she said, looking at him curiously.
His hand tightened on the gun in the carrier bag he held.
‘There are just a few more questions she wants me to ask you.’
‘Just a minute,’ she said, closing the door on him.
Panic washed over him. He should have dived in when he had the chance. He waited. His nerves were on edge and he chewed his lip until he tasted blood. The door suddenly opened, and he quickly stepped inside.
‘Who is it?’ a voice called from upstairs.
Damn it. He hadn’t expected the husband to be here too.
‘It’s Sergeant Ryan Lester,’ said Abby.
‘I hope this isn’t a bad time to call,’ says Sergeant Lester.
‘We’ve told Sergeant Burden everything we know,’ Jared says sharply.
He’s tense. We both are. I lay a hand on his arm.
‘It’s okay Jared.’
I’d closed the kitchen door. I didn’t want Sergeant Lester to see the table and the instructions I’d laid out on it.
He looks nervous and perspiration runs from his forehead and down the sides of his face. It’s hot in our house. He no doubt wonders why we don’t have windows open. He cracks his knuckles and points to the living room.
‘Shall we?’ he asks.
At that moment something jars in my brain. My stomach churns and nausea rises up in my gut. There’s something, but I can’t put my finger on it. It’s the same feeling I’d had when the man had phoned.
‘Would you like a drink?’ I ask.
‘No, I’m alright,’ he says briskly.
His voice, there’s something about it.
‘I’ll make some tea anyway,’ I say, escaping to the kitchen.
What is it? Something niggles at my brain. I struggle to reach it beyond the fogginess. I go over his words. ‘No I’m alright.’
‘Oh God,’ I gasp. The room spins around me. It’s him. It’s the killer. It’s the man who has my baby.
I reach out to the kitchen chair for support and grab my phone from the table. At that moment the door flies open, slamming against the wall.
‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’
I turn to see him holding a sawn-off shotgun to Jared’s head.
‘Now let’s be sensible, shall we?’ he says, his eyes hard and menacing.