Page 100 of She Saw What He Did


Sparrow stared in horror at the screaming child. Jesus Christ, why didn’t she shut the fuck up? This was the last thing he needed. Her screams pierced the air and reverberated through his skull. In his mind, on the way here, he’d pictured a calm child. Happy when he told her they would be going outside for a little while. He was now beginning to wonder why he bothered.

‘You’d better shut her up,’ he growled at the old woman.

‘Yes, yes,’ she replied anxiously.

But the screaming kid was having none of her cuddles. Her stamping feet echoed throughout the basement. Jesus, thought Sparrow, she’s fucking hysterical.

‘Do something,’ he demanded.

Daphne fought with Sam and tried to hush her. Sparrow walked to the door. He couldn’t take this. He had to get out. Before he knew what was happening the kid had bolted up the steps.

‘Shit,’ muttered Sparrow racing after her. He saw the back of her spotted top as she raced through the kitchen and then out of the front door.

‘Sam,’ screamed the old woman.

Sparrow shot a bolt across the basement door and hurried after the kid. She was outside the cottage, looking lost and tearful. He scooped her up and rushed back into the house. She wriggled madly in his arms, kicking hard at his shins. He dropped her back into the basement and slammed the door. He'd never wanted to pick the kid up. Damn her for forcing him to.

‘Keep her under control,’ he hissed at Daphne who was visibly shaken. ‘Do you fucking hear me?’

Daphne nodded dumbly.

To think he’d considered taking them out for a bit of air. They certainly didn’t deserve his kindness. Why were they making life so difficult for him? It’s not his fault their stupid parents stole what wasn't theirs. Well, he couldn’t risk taking them out now and serve them right.

‘I hope you die today,’ Sam screamed.

He walked backwards to the door, his eye fastened firmly on the kid.

‘Shut her up. I’m warning you.’

He quickly opened the door and hurried out. The kid’s screams could still be heard.

‘Fuck it,’ he mumbled looking out of the kitchen window.

The place was deserted. The only other sound was a tractor droning somewhere in the distance. He kicked the basement door angrily.

‘Shut her the fuck up.’

A few minutes passed and finally the child’s screams stopped.

What if she carried on like that? He’d come back later. Hopefully the old lady would have talked some sense into her. He exhaled, grabbed his coat and walked out to the Fiesta. The mother would deliver the box, no problem. It was best he got her to do it. Mother and child bond, it was stronger than anything. He had no doubt that Abby Miller would go through with it.


Jaime kept a fair distance from the Fiesta. He didn’t want to be spotted. It slowed down and turned left into a private road. Jamie stopped. It was probably best not to go any further, he thought. There was a good chance he’d be spotted. It most likely led to a property. Instead he turned into the road opposite and quickly set up the drone. He watched it fly into the air and then sat on the bonnet of his car staring fascinated at the screen.

The idea had come to him while having a drink in the local. It bothered him that he hadn’t kept a copy of the recording of the murder on the beach. He’d panicked. Anyone would have done the same. He’d been scared. He hadn’t wanted to be connected to it. He had no proof. It was his word against the murderer and Jaime didn’t think he would be believed.

He now watched mesmerised as Sparrow parked the car in front of a cottage and took several carrier bags from the back seat. Jaime’s hands shook as he held the controls. He was mad doing this. What the fuck was he doing in fucking Porthaven? Why couldn’t he just forget what he’d seen? He should have stayed on the island. The police would find the murderer in time but there was something odd about this, and Jaime’s guilt had driven him. All he had to do was record what the guy did. He’d decide what to do with the recording later. Sparrow stopped and looked around. Jaime stupidly leaned back and then laughed at his foolishness. Sparrow walked to the front door of the cottage and unlocked it. Jaime steered the drone lower and zoomed in. It was dark in the cottage and Jaime cursed. He could see fuck all. He considered bringing the drone back but decided to wait a bit. He reached into his rucksack for a can of Coke and was about to open it when suddenly a young kid darted through the door. Jaime gasped.

‘What the fuck?’ he muttered, his shaking hands zooming in closer.

Sparrow’s arms encircled the kid’s waist, but Jaime could clearly see her kicking out at him. Her mouth widened in a scream. Jaime felt his stomach churn. The front door was slammed shut and Jamie was left staring at it. He wiped the perspiration from his face. Jesus, what the hell was going on? The door opened, and Sparrow came out. Jaime could see from his expression that he was shaken up. He pulled the drone back and began packing things away. Jesus Christ, what had he walked into?

