‘Maria,’ I say, remembering. ‘She was the only other person in the house today.’
I look around at the mess and stupidly find myself thinking, what a waste of money having the cleaner today. I just want our normal lives back, a life where Sam was safe.
‘Why would she steal it?’ asks Joe.
‘I’m going around there,’ says Jared, bounding down the stairs.
I follow him.
‘Dad, stay here, just in case …’ Jared’s voice falters.
‘They come back,’ Joe finishes for him.
He nods, and I fight back my tears. How can there be any left? I pass the hallway mirror and see my eyes are red and swollen but still more tears fall.
Maria’s house is ten minutes away, but it seems to take us a lifetime. We finally reach the small ex-council house. I recognise Maria’s silver Seat in the driveway. Jared is out of the car in a flash and I have to hurry to keep up with him. The sound of a television blasts out from an open window of the house next door. I can’t imagine what we must look like. I have no idea what the time is. It feels as though time has stood still. The house needs an exterior paint job. We try the bell several times but there is no reply. I see a curtain twitch and nudge Jared.
‘There’s someone home,’ I say.
He lifts the knocker and rams it down hard. A man with dark curly hair and a ring through his nose finally answers.
‘Yeah, what do you want?’ he asks in broken English.
I recognise him. It’s Kristof, Maria’s husband. He looks at me suspiciously. I feel sure he knows about the box.
‘We’re here to see Maria,’ I say. ‘I’m Abby Miller. She works for me.’
He studies me for a moment before saying,
‘She isn’t here.’
I know he’s lying. I see the curtains twitch again.
‘I know she is here,’ I say.
Jared pushes past him and enters the house. I follow. My head is thumping unmercifully now. We step into the hallway and onto the threadbare carpet. I turn to the room where I’d seen the curtains twitch.
‘Who the hell you think you are?’ shouts Kristof. ‘I never said you could come in.’
Maria stands by the window. She looks embarrassed to see us.
‘Maria …’ I begin.
‘Where’s our box?’ demands Jared, pushing past me.
Maria steps back, her eyes fearful.
‘Jared,’ I say, touching his arm. ‘We don’t know that she has it.’
I turn to her.
‘Maria, did you take Sam’s new box. If you did, it’s okay but you must let us have it back and …’
‘Maria, don’t say anything,’ says Kristof.
Maria starts to shake, and tears form in her eyes.