‘Are you in love with her?’ I’d asked when I’d first discovered the affair.

‘God no, of course not. It meant absolutely nothing Abby. I love you and only you,’ he’d said passionately.

It was Jared’s idea to have the holiday. Just the two of us, he’d said, a chance to start over. Sam would be fine with his parents, he’d assured me. I wanted things to be better between us, so I’d agreed. We’d chosen St Cecilia’s. It was only a two-hour ferry trip from Porthaven and easy to get home if we needed to.

Geocaching had become a new hobby for us. It was something we could do with Sam. We always made sure the walks were short and let Sam find the prize. Jared and I had always been keen walkers, so geocaching had really appealed to us.

My phone bleeps and I see a WhatsApp from Daphne. We’re all fine. Off to the wildlife park. Have a great time, and don’t worry.

I sigh with relief.

‘I’ll tidy myself up and then we can go,’ I smile.

I make a decision to enjoy the holiday from this moment on. After rummaging in the suitcase for my holdall, I head for the bathroom.

‘The shower is massive,’ I say, surprised.

It’s a small holiday chalet so I wasn’t expecting such a huge shower. In the past, Jared would have joined me. We’d have made the most of it. Maybe even making love after. I sigh and close the door. I pull my hair from its slide and look at myself in the mirror. My skin is dull. The lines around my eyes are more pronounced. I’ve been sleeping badly since the affair. The quietness of night is the only time I can think about things and I’ve driven myself crazy trying to understand why Jared would betray me. She wasn’t even pretty. I suppose she was free from responsibilities. She could give her whole attention to Jared whereas I couldn’t. I hadn’t been giving my full attention to me, let alone my husband. I need to make more of an effort. But I always feel so tired. I turn from the mirror and step into the shower. The break will do me good.

‘I won’t be long,’ I call.


‘We hire out for half or a full day. I would suggest if you’re going to Laslow, then you’d be better hiring for the day. That way you won’t have to worry about rushing back.’

The ginger-haired man who’d introduced himself as Craig, points to the boats bobbing on the water. The sun is warm but not unbearably hot, which is the perfect weather for walking. I pull my camera from my bag and shoot some pictures of the harbour. I curse when it bleeps and the low battery indicator lights up. I remind myself to charge it when we get back. I want to take lots of photos when we go to the island tomorrow.

‘Nice camera,’ comments Craig. ‘My wife’s got one like that with a fancy lens.’

‘Abby takes brilliant photos of wildlife,’ says Jared proudly.

‘No I don’t,’ I protest, feeling my face redden.

‘You’re too modest,’ he smiles, draping his arm around my shoulders.

‘You two on honeymoon?’ asks Craig.

I blush.

‘It’s a holiday away from the kids,’ explains Jared, trying not to look embarrassed. We can’t say we’re trying to save our marriage, can we?

‘I need one of those,’ laughs Craig. ‘You’ve chosen the best place.’

‘We have,’ agrees Jared, pointing to a boat. ‘We’ll book that one for tomorrow.’

I focus my camera on the boat and photograph it.

‘Great. It’s yours from nine o’clock onwards. Latest to bring it back is nine tomorrow night but don’t worry if you’re late. There’ll be no one here, so just tie it to the jetty.’

We pay for the boat and head back into town for lunch. I fight the urge to check my phone and deliberately link my hand in Jared’s.

‘Have a good week,’ calls Craig.

‘We will,’ says Jared.

Chapter Four

It was one of those airless summer days when it’s great to be on the beach but not so great when you’re stuck in a stuffy office. Ellen strolled into the police station and stood for a few minutes in front of the fan that was perched on the windowsill. Her elfin face relaxed and she looked much younger than her thirty years.