Ellen stood back and waited impatiently as Roy pushed hard at the door.
‘There’s something blocking it,’ he said.
They both shoved at the door. Ellen felt it budge and after pushing at it with all their weight they finally managed to get it open.
‘Looks like someone has barricaded themselves in,’ said Roy worriedly. ‘That’s not a good sign is it?’
Ellen stepped around the furniture and shone her torch up the steps of the lighthouse.
‘It’s a hell of a climb,’ said Roy. ‘I’ve only ever been up there once.’
Ellen knew that meant he wouldn’t be coming with her. She pulled off her wet jacket and shining the torch ahead of her she began to climb the steps.
‘Hello,’ she called. ‘Abby, Jared, are you in here?’
Her voice echoed around them.
‘I’m going up,’ she said.
‘Don’t you think we should call someone?’ suggested Roy.
‘Not until we know there’s a problem,’ said Ellen, sounding more confident than she felt.
Roy sighed deeply.
‘I’m coming with you then,’ he said reluctantly. ‘It’s better than staying here.’
Ellen smiled and continued up the steps.
‘Abby, Jared. I’m Ellen Burden from the police. Are you up there?’
There was noise from above and Roy, suddenly startled, slipped on the steps.
Ellen grabbed the bannister and turned.
‘Are you okay Roy?’ she asked worriedly. Maybe she should make him wait at the bottom, after all.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ he whispered
Ellen’s hand dived into her pocket and pulled out a radio.
‘I don’t think we should go any further,’ said Roy, nervously.
‘Listen,’ said Ellen, cocking her head. ‘Do you hear that?’
Roy shook his head.
‘Who’s there?’ Ellen called, straining her neck upwards.
‘I don’t like this,’ hissed Roy. ‘I think we should call for help.’
Ellen agreed with him and went to click on the radio when there was a shout from above.
‘Help us. We’re in the watch room. Please hurry. My husband is sick.’
Ellen hurried up the steps, leaving Roy to trail behind.
‘This is Ellen Burden calling from Laslow Island. I need the air ambulance and could someone get hold of Ryan. There’s a couple stranded on the island, one person unwell,’ she said into the radio. The coastguard responded with an affirmative.