“I am not sure I agree with the use of the word obey.”
“Tough. That’s the word that we’re going to use. You will do as I tell you when it comes to safety so I can keep you safe. Understand?”
“All right. What does this lecture pertain to?”
“What are my rules when we’re out of the house?”
“That I’m to stay in your sight at all times. You’re to clear any rooms, including the bathroom, before I go into them. And that if something happened, I am to obey your orders. When we’re moving, I’m to stay within two feet of you . . . oh. This is about me walking out of the office without you.”
“Yes. It is. Also, I’d like to add that you’re to stay where I put you. You moved when I put you behind me.”
“I apologize,” she said, looking genuinely remorseful. “Jordan was acting . . . strange.”
“He cares about you.”
She shook her head, looking pensive as the elevator doors opened. He lightly grasped her hand as he led her out to the car.
When they were close, he opened the car door. “I’m going to lift you,” he warned before lifting her into the seat.
“Oh! Why . . . why did you do that?”
“Because I wanted to.” He let out a sigh.
You sound like a nut job.
“You look tired.” And he was feeling protective.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” She reached for her wrist, pushing her finger under the sleeve of her blazer.
Then she seemed to realize he was there and drew her hand back.
He frowned.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I left the room in a hurry or when I told him about the stalker.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t usually make mistakes like this. It’s . . . annoying.”
“You’re tired, baby.” She looked shattered. “You got light-headed up there, didn’t you?”
“Perhaps. Just a bit.”
“Let’s get you home. I’ll make you some dinner, and you can lie on the couch and do nothing.” He fastened her seatbelt, then walked around the car to get in the driver’s seat.
“You’re very concerned with making me do nothing. And feeding me.”
“That’s because you look tired and I think you’ve lost weight since I first met you.”
“So I look terrible?”
“What? No! Not at all. I just want to look after you.”
“As a friend,” she said.
“Actually, my feelings might be deeper than that,” he said carefully.
“They are?”
“Yes. I can’t deny that I think about you a lot. I want to spend more time with you.”
“As more than a friend? Really? Me?”