You realize that’s not your job.
But she was his friend. It was what friends did. Right?
“Why not?” he asked gently. “Are you not prepared?”
She shook her head. “Oliver is ill. I can’t go to a meeting without him.”
“Do you want to cancel?” he asked.
“But it’s too late to cancel. That would be rude. I should have told Oliver to cancel when he called in sick. What should I do? And Rhodes isn’t here either.”
“Maybe I can help you?” he asked. “What is it that Oliver does that you need? I mean, if it’s something work-related, I won’t be able to help.”
“I don’t need help with my work. But Oliver . . . he’ll let me know if I say something wrong or I’m missing something. If I’m being too blunt. This is why I hate these meetings.”
“How does he do that?”
“We have a signal. If he’s across the room, he’ll tap the front of his hand twice. Like this.” She showed him. “If he’s next to me, he’ll tap my hand.”
“I could do that too.”
“I don’t . . . I don’t know if they’d want you in the meeting.”
“I can sign an NDA if necessary.”
“Perhaps that would work. I could ask.”
“So you want to try?” he asked.
She glanced up at him. “Are you sure?”
“I’m here to help you, Cate. However you need me to.”
The clients had seemed a bit wary when he’d explained that he was Cate’s bodyguard. But he’d added that he was also there to support her. They’d been more understanding after that. And had let him sit in as long as he signed an NDA. He hadn’t understood most of what had been going on. And there was only one time that he’d had to signal her when he’d noticed the clients getting lost in her jargon.
She’d spent most of the time with her gaze on her laptop or the papers in front of her. She’d glanced up a few times but kept her gaze over their heads.
He nodded to them as they left, and Cate started packing up her laptop and papers. She swayed as she stood, and he leaped forward, grasping hold of her around her waist to steady her.
“Cate, how did that go . . . uh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”
An older man stepped into the room, giving them both a curious look.
“You didn’t interrupt anything, Jordan,” Cate said.
“Right.” Jordan’s gaze went to where he was still holding her waist.
“I’m Ethan Stone. Cate’s bodyguard.”
Jordan’s eyes widened. “Bodyguard?”
“This is Jordan Samuels,” Cate said. “One of the partners here.”
Ethan let Cate go, staying close for a moment in case she grew wobbly again. Then he turned and held out his hand to Jordan, who shook it briefly.
“Is there something I need to know, Cate?” Jordan asked.
“The meeting went well. Nothing to report.”