Page 71 of Guardian Daddy

“That’s all I ask. Now, read your book and try to relax.”

Unfortunately, she was only five minutes into her book when she heard someone clear their throat.

A huff of irritation left her, and she rolled to her side, trying to get away from whoever was attempting to interrupt her reading time.

“Cate. I know you don’t like to be interrupted when reading, honey,” Rhodes said. “But I need to talk to you.”

“I don’t think she can hear you,” Samantha said. “Maybe you should just tell her later. Now I need to get home and organize my stuff and you have to come with me, Rhodes. I can’t be alone right now. I just can’t.”


Cate sat up and turned to glare at Rhodes and Samantha. She heard someone let out a muffled laugh and glanced over to find Ethan smiling. He winked at her.

That was weird. Why was he winking at her?

“Sorry to interrupt, honey,” Rhodes said.

“Rhodes,” Samantha said with a whine. She was draped around her brother as though she needed him to help prop her up.

“Samantha, I know you’re upset, but I need to speak to my sister. Maybe you could go and tell Seth that we’re leaving in ten minutes?”

Samantha’s face scrunched up for a moment, but when Rhodes looked down at her, she smiled up at him sunnily.

“Of course I can do that.” Samantha turned to look at Cate. Cate moved her gaze so it was focussed on Samantha’s chin. Hmm, was she getting a pimple?

“And Cate, I know that you struggle with change, but I’m sure you’ll be understanding about my situation.”

Why did she sound so strange?

Turning, she moved off. She always walked a bit oddly. As though she was on a catwalk.

“Why did she sound funny?” Cate asked Rhodes. “Is she getting ill?”

“Uh, no. She was just trying to be nice.”

“Why?” Cate asked.

Rhodes ran his hand over his face, looking tired. She immediately felt guilty. Rhodes was everything to her and she knew that she was a lot of work for him. He’d had to come back here in the middle of the night because of her.

“I’m sorry, Rhodes,” she told him.

“What for?”

“For being such a nuisance. Making you come back here in the night for me.”

Rhodes glanced over at Ethan, who was now frowning. “Can you give us a moment?”

Ethan hesitated and glanced at Cate. “You all right, Cate?”

“Of course.” Why wouldn’t she be? Oh, perhaps because of what happened before. “I’m fine with Rhodes here.”

Ethan nodded and left.

“You and he are getting close?” Rhodes asked as he sat sideways on Ethan’s sun lounger.

“Close? I don’t think I’d say that. But he . . . he’s a kind man. Patient. And he listens to me. I don’t think he judges me. He said he wants to be friends.”

“You deserve a friend, honey. But just . . . be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”