Page 50 of Guardian Daddy

But Seth looked like he was about to drop. And maybe he needed some space. To get out of the house.

He was becoming far too possessive of Cate.

“Yeah, get some sleep. I’ll go. I’ve had a few hours’ sleep already. I’ll tell Rhodes in the morning.”

“You know, when we started this job, I thought Cate might be an issue. But so far, she’s been a dream. Thanks, man.”

A dream, yeah.

His dream. For sure.



She felt awful. Cate rolled over, her head thumping.

Buh-bump. Buh-bump.

With a moan, she opened her eyes and checked the time.


She never slept until nine-thirty.

This was completely out of her routine. She should be up and working by now.

Wait. It was Sunday. She didn’t always work on a Sunday.

The panic eased slightly.

She still didn’t like sleeping in when she could be doing something productive.

That was such a waste of a morning.

Although this headache was probably going to take some time to get rid of. And she wouldn’t get much done if she tried to work through it.

Perhaps Ethan would like to read by the pool with you.

That thought made her groan. Cate didn’t know what it was about him that interested her so much. But she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

And then last night, she’d acted like a complete idiot and ran off on him when all he’d been trying to do was make her a nice dinner.

Her stomach grumbled at the memory.

When was the last time someone besides Mrs. Sanders had made her dinner? And it was lasagna.

Rhodes had to eat pretty clean, so their meals were usually very healthy. Don’t get her wrong, it was a good thing.

But once in a while, a girl just really needed some cheese and carbs.

Would there be any left in the fridge? Would it be rude to eat some today when she’d refused some last night? It wasn’t her usual bagel, but then, her entire morning was off.

Was Ethan already awake? He didn’t seem like the type of person to sleep in. He had a good work ethic, which she admired.

Eventually, she forced herself out of bed, glancing down at Lady in surprise as she fell onto the floor.

When had she brought Lady into her bed? She couldn’t remember.