“Right. The toy that can’t actually eat. Who really eats it?” he asked.
“Lady does.” She glared at him.
Shut up, Ethan.
“And you said naughty words before. That’s gonna cost you. Every naughty word is a dollar.”
“A dollar?” he repeated.
“Uh-huh, so I reckon that’s about twenty dollars.” She pulled herself up onto a bar stool at the island.
He wanted to scold her for getting up on her own.
She is not yours to scold or punish.
No matter how much you wish she was.
“There is no way I said twenty naughty words,” he told her as she swung her feet back and forth.
He had to close his eyes for a moment. She was simply too adorable.
“Uh-huh. You totally did.”
“You know that lying is naughty. And naughty girls don’t get ice cream.”
Cate gasped and grabbed the bowl, holding it against her chest. “Mine.”
So naughty.
“I’ve got to go and put some clothes on before your brother and Seth get home. And you need to go back to bed.”
“Seth?” She looked worried. It felt a bit strange being able to read her easily. She was generally so guarded with her emotions and thoughts.
“It’s all right,” he said soothingly. “He won’t see you.”
“Why not?” She glanced around. “Am I a ghost? I’m a ghost, aren’t I?” That lip grew wobbly again.
Fuck. He hoped she never realized the power of the lip wobble. Because she could get away with murder. All she’d have to do was wobble her cute, plump lip and no one would convict her.
“Of course you’re not a ghost, baby.”
“So you can see me? Can everyone see me?”
“Everyone can see you. But I thought you might feel more comfortable eating ice cream in your room. Or in Rhodes’ bedroom.”
She eyed him as she took another bite of ice cream.
“Catie-pie, come with me.” He held out his hand and she shrugged.
“Okie-dokie. But you got to bring the ice cream. I’m not allowed to walk and carry food. It’s a rule.”
Nice to see she had some rules.
Ethan led her back to her room and let her climb into bed before handing her the bowl of ice cream.
Not ideal, but it would have to do.
And hopefully, she’d stay where he put her. He set Lady’s ice cream on the bedside table just as he got a text that Rhodes was ten minutes out.