Page 43 of Guardian Daddy

“Oooh, but you don’t want to eat me, right?” She eyed him suspiciously.

Well, he wouldn’t say that, exactly.

But he couldn’t go there right now.

“Not in the way you think,” he said to her.

Fuck. Maybe it would be better if she didn’t remember this tomorrow? He didn’t want to get fired.

“No ice cream? That seems mean.” Her bottom lip dropped out and he nearly moaned at the sight.

This was wrong. It was so wrong to look at her delectable mouth and imagine what he could do with it.

Especially when she had regressed like this. He had to get himself together and take care of her.

First things first. Get dressed. Text her brother. Feed her.

“Does Rhodes let you have ice cream in the middle of the night?” he queried.

Hopefully, it wasn’t a mistake to talk about her brother. He didn’t want her to get upset that Rhodes wasn’t here.

“Rhoddy is a good brother. He lets me do whatever I like.”

Ethan wondered how often this happened. And whether she always woke Rhodes up. Mind you, if she always screamed like that, then there was no way he’d be able to sleep through it.

“Does he? Well, I’m not as easygoing as your brother. I don’t want you to end up with cavities or a sore tummy.”

“I don’t gets sore tummies.”

“Don’t you?” he asked.

She patted her tummy. “Cast-iron. I can eats as much ice cream as I like.”

“What about cavities? If you get a hole in your tooth you’d have to go to the dentist.”

As he spoke, he quickly sent a text off to Rhodes. Not that he’d likely be awake. He sent a message to Seth as well. Although he didn’t tell Seth anything that was going on.

He had to protect Cate’s privacy.

And you want to keep this to yourself.

That too.

“I’m not scared of no dentist. He won’t get me.” Despite the bravado, she hugged Lady tight and stared around. As though she was expecting a dentist to jump out and grab her.

“Well, there’s also the fact that you didn’t eat any dinner. Little girls who don’t eat dinner can’t have dessert.”


He was enjoying this far too much.

And part of him still thought it was wrong. She hadn’t agreed to let him Daddy her.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing.


Thank fuck.