She sighed. “He seemed to think that if he’s going to guard me, I need to trust him. And to trust him, I need to spend time with him.”
“He’s a good man, Cate. They both are. Don’t be scared to interact with them. Please.”
She wanted to refuse him. But Rhodes rarely asked her to do anything. And he did everything he could to make life easier for her.
When no one else believed in her, cared for her, he’d always been there.
So this is something small you can do for him.
“I just don’t want you hiding in your room for however long they’re here. It’s not good for you, and I miss my sister.”
There was no way she could tell him no now.
“I will attempt to come out of my room more often. And speak to Seth and Ethan occasionally.” That was all she could offer right now.
“Thank you. Call me if you need me, understand?”
“I’ll be fine.” She wouldn’t call him unless it was an emergency. If she did, she knew that Samantha would never let her hear the end of it.
Walking over to her, he kissed the top of her head. “You need to stop working. Do something fun. Okay?”
“Promise me.”
“I promise. Now, go. You’ll be late.”
“I’ll be back around midday tomorrow. Be good.”
“I’m always good,” she told him.
“Hmm. You’re right. You know what . . . be bad.”
She shook her head as he left.
Be bad. What did he expect her to do?
Is kissing your bodyguard bad?
Cate had a feeling that wasn’t what Rhodes meant.
Cate wasn’t coming.
It wasn’t a surprise. But now Ethan had to decide his next move. And how much to push her.
He really didn’t have a leg to stand on. He couldn’t push too hard. For one, he didn’t want to get fired. But mostly, he didn’t want to scare Cate.
Setting his book aside, he stood.
And that’s when he saw her standing hesitantly in the doorway, holding an eReader in her hand.
She wore loose pants and another long-sleeved sweater which was the same shade of blue as her eyes.
“Cate,” he said. “Are you going to join me?”