Page 25 of Guardian Daddy


Ethan sipped his coffee as he stared out at the swimming pool.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to find anyone out here this early.”

He turned, glancing down at Rhodes’ girlfriend, Samantha. In the ten days since starting this job, he’d only seen her a few times and they hadn’t really spoken.

He simply nodded, not in the mood for chitchat. Actually, he was never in the mood for small talk. It seemed like a waste of time to him. He took in the minuscule bikini she was wearing. The white triangles barely covered her nipples. He drew his gaze back toward the horizon, his mind moving onto a cool blonde with sad eyes.

Since the strawberry disaster, he’d been trying to keep some firm boundaries between them.

Which wasn’t that hard when he rarely saw her.

“Yes, I indulged too much at dinner last night. Time to get some exercise in.”

She exercised in a bikini that looked like a small breeze would blow it right off her body?

“I’ll get out of your way.”

“Oh, please don’t leave on my account.” She sent him a smile. “You won’t bother me. I like having all these . . . strong men around.”

Was she flirting with him?

Ethan eyed her as she strode toward the pool, hips swinging.

Holy shit.

She was wearing a thong.

This was not what he needed at six-thirty in the morning.

Turning away, he walked back into the kitchen, coming to a stop as he saw Cate standing in front of the coffee machine.

She didn’t seem to notice him entering, so he cleared his throat, not wanting to startle her.

Unfortunately, she still let out a small cry and swung around, dropping the mug she held.

It smashed, ceramic pieces scattering. His gaze was immediately drawn to her feet, which were bare.

She was staring at him with wide eyes, her breathing fast and erratic.


That was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid.

“Don’t move!” he snapped as she went to take a step backward.

She startled, grabbing onto the counter to balance herself.

Shit. What was he doing? He was making things worse.

“Cate, it’s me, Ethan. Remember?” He tried to soften his voice.

She blinked before wiping the expression off her face. “Of course I remember. It would be hard to forget you.”

“Glad I’m unforgettable.”

“Well, anyone living in my house and guarding my brother with their life would be difficult to forget. Especially when they’re six foot two and as wide as you.”