Page 253 of Guardian Daddy

“I’m not mad. I think I might be relieved. I know you were just looking out for me. Like you always do.”

“I’m glad you think that. Because I have something else to confess.”

Cate sucked in a breath. “What is it?”

“I got Rhodes to tell me the name of the guy who kissed you. Fucking asshole.”

“Rhodes told you!” She narrowed her gaze at him. “What did you do?”

Ethan grinned. It almost looked evil. “Since Brody was busy with your aunt and uncle, I paid an investigator to look into your ex. Turns out, that the bastard is living his worst life. Divorced three times. Living in a run-down shack. Most of his money goes on alimony. No friends because apparently he’s borrowed money from them all and never paid it back.”

“That sounds awful.”

“And just what he deserves.”

“I can’t believe you did all of this. Are you going to get revenge on anyone who wrongs me?”

“Baby, I’m going to dedicate my life to making sure that no one ever harms you again. That’s my number one job, along with making sure that you’re the happiest woman in the world.”

“Job well done, then.”


Ethan pulled the bike into a driveway.

The wooden house ahead of them looked modest. There was a large shed off to the right. Getting off the back of his motorbike, she glanced around but couldn’t see any houses because of the trees surrounding them.

But she knew that the house Rhodes had bought was just a five- minute drive down the road.

Ethan got off, then helped her remove her helmet.

Cate had discovered that she loved riding his bike. It was so freeing. She almost felt like she was flying. Although he kept insisting that she wear a helmet, even though he didn’t.

Apparently, she was precious cargo.

Yes, that made her go all warm inside every time he said it.

She’d hadn’t thought she’d liked his bike, considering it was quite loud. But Ethan had bought her a noise-canceling helmet, which helped muffle the noise.

“I still think I should buy my own bike,” she said, running her hand over his.

He’d caught her looking at bikes online yesterday and he hadn’t been happy.

Ethan cupped her chin, staring down at her sternly. “You buy yourself a bike, and you won’t sit for a week. Also, you’ll never get to ride the bike before I have it crushed and melted down.”

“Seems like a vast overreaction,” she muttered.

“It’s a promise, not a threat.” He leaned in and kissed her. “You only ride with me, so I know you’re safe.”

He always had to be in control. Cate shook her head at him.

They’d been in Billings for close to two months now. Rhodes had bought a house but hadn’t moved in because he was busy filming. But she and Ethan had gone back to Los Angeles and packed up her stuff. Everything she’d wanted to keep had been shipped here.

There hadn’t been much.

Now, she was working from his apartment. Which was all right, but she had to use the spare bedroom, which was a bit cramped.

Still, she wasn’t going to complain.