Neither of them saw the man stepping out of the trees to watch them.
But he kept an eye on them until they made it safely back to the house. Stone was standing on the porch with Ink, looking for them.
Cate rushed into his arms. She was probably being scolded. Much like the small child.
Who wasn’t really like a child at all.
He admired her strength. And Cate’s too. It seemed like they’d both suffered through things that they shouldn’t have. They both had demons in their past.
Demons that he was going to have to take care of.
The Fox was going hunting.
Cate heard the doorbell ring. Standing, she walked over to the door. Ethan’s apartment had the bare minimum of furniture and very little personality. They’d been here ten days, now. She’d survived meeting his friends, even though they hadn’t stayed long after she’d gotten lost in the woods at Ink’s house.
She’d gotten her butt spanked long and hard for that. Ethan had been really upset with her for wandering off. And she guessed she understood. Cate wasn’t the outdoorsy type.
“Cate, don’t answer that door,” Ethan said firmly, walking toward her. He’d just taken a shower after dinner and his hair was wet.
“I was going to check first,” she told him. “Do you not want me answering your door?”
“This is your door too. It’s about safety, baby.” Reaching for her, he drew her close to kiss the top of her head. “Wait here.”
Who was he expecting to be on the other side?
Ethan opened the door and a squeal escaped her. She’d never made a sound like that in her life. But then . . . her brother had never surprised her like this.
She ran to him, jumping into his arms. He twirled her around before putting her down and cupping her face. “Hey, honey.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were heading to New Zealand?”
“It got pushed back a bit, so I decided to come here first. Are you all right?”
She talked to him almost every day. But yeah, she’d missed him a lot. She hugged him tight. “I’m better now. I’ve missed you so much.”
“Why don’t you come in?” Ethan said. “I’ll grab your bags.”
She led Rhodes inside and they sat on the couch, talking.
“I’ve got something to tell you,” he said, looking over at Ethan who had just walked into the room and sat down next to her. “There’s another reason I’m here.”
“What is it?” she asked.
“I’ve got a meeting set up with a real estate agent.”
“Why would you need to do that?” she asked, puzzled. That seemed an odd thing to do unless he was looking at buying property.
“Because I’m going to buy a house here.”
“For . . . for me?” she asked. “I mean, to be near me?”
“But I hadn’t even decided to move here.” She glanced at Ethan, who ran his hand up and down her back soothingly.
“I think we both know you need to be with Ethan,” Rhodes replied. “And while he could move to the city, we know he hates it.”
She had to smile at that. Ethan really didn’t like the city.