Page 233 of Guardian Daddy

Her skin felt so sensitive. Each brush of his lips touching her made her tremble. It felt like his lips had a direct line to her clit.

“I haven’t got any of my toys with me either.”

“Like what?” she asked as he grasped the bottom of her top and slowly worked it up, revealing her tummy. He ran his tongue over her skin and she sucked in a breath.

Oh. She didn’t think she’d like that.

But she did.

“I’ve got handcuffs. Do you like the idea of being tied up? Restrained?”

“M-maybe as long as they’re not tight.”

“I have handcuffs with soft fluff that won’t hurt you. I would never hurt you. Unless you wanted me to.”

“Why would I want you to?” she asked as he drew the top over her head, revealing her breasts.

“Hmm. I’ll show you.” He ran his teeth lightly over her nipple. The pain was slight, but it sent a burst of pleasure through her.

“You like that. Want to try more?”

“Yes, please.”

“So polite and sweet.” He bit down on her nipple and she gasped, her hips going up into the air.

“Too much?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t want you to bite them all the time . . . but a little bit is strangely nice.”

“Good to know.” He moved to the other breast and bit the nipple before sucking on it.

“Ooh, God. Yes.”

He let her nipple slip free of his mouth and grinned at her.

“Is it okay to make noises?”

“Baby, yes. I’d be mad if you didn’t.”

Good to know.

He returned his attention to her nipples, playing with them until she was a mess. She was wriggling on the bed, trying to press her thighs together to find some friction. But he had her legs parted as he tortured her.

“Please, Ethan! Please!”

“My poor baby. She likes her nipples being played with. They are such pretty, pretty nipples.” He moved down her stomach. “But I need to move on to this pussy.”

Ethan shifted back so he could run his tongue along her lower tummy. Then he pulled her panties off. “God, baby, you’re wet. You’ve soaked your panties.”


“Why are you saying sorry? I want you to be wet. That’s kind of a necessity.”

“Yes, I suppose it is when your cock is so big.”

Another grin. “You’re good for my ego.”
