“Good girl. Because you don’t want to add to your spanking, do you?”
“No, Daddy.”
Sitting, she moved toward the easel.
“Good girl. If you need Daddy, call out.”
She thought she murmured something in reply, but she was too engrossed by the idea of painting.
Huh. That was keeping her occupied and happy.
Ethan almost didn’t want to interrupt her. But he’d finished cleaning up the kitchen and eaten something. Then he’d turned down the blankets in their bedroom and drawn the curtains.
It was nap time.
He’d seen her yawn three times in the last five minutes, so he knew she needed this.
Sitting down next to her, he waited for her to notice him.
He would have to watch this. When she was focused, she was very focused. To the point of not noticing what was going on around her.
“Catie-pie, time for your nap.”
He stared at her painting. It was a landscape scene and it was amazing. His breath caught as he took in the meandering river and the hills above it.
Ethan leaned forward to touch her shoulder lightly. “Cate.”
“What? Oh! Daddy, you gave me a fright.” She wiggled a finger at him. “Not. Nice.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I tried to get your attention.”
“I was busy with my painting.”
“And it is truly amazing.”
“It is?”
“So beautiful. You’re so talented. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Daddy.”
“I’d never be able to create anything like this.”
“I guess some of us just have natural talent at this sort of thing. Don’t feel bad. I’m sure you have talents in other areas.”
“One or two. It’s time to stop now though. Playtime is over.”
“But I was enjoying it.” She pouted.
“I’m so pleased. However, you’ve been yawning and swaying where you’re sitting.”
She looked at him slyly. “Well, if I’m so tired, then I guess you shouldn’t spank me, huh?”