Oliver gave Cate a tight smile. “Remember how we talked about oversharing?”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
To someone else, it might look like Cate wasn’t affected by Oliver’s words. But Ethan saw how her fingers tightened on her pen, and the skin around her eyes grew tighter.
He wanted to say something to put her at ease. But he wasn’t sure whether that would help or make it worse. She’d obviously breached some trust or a boundary of Oliver’s, and he was simply pointing it out.
“It’s all right.” Oliver waved away her apology.
“Why did you say you wanted strawberries, then?” Cate asked.
“I was teasing Ethan,” Oliver explained. “I knew he didn’t bring those for me.”
“Oh.” Cate flicked him a look. “They’re for me?”
“Yes. I know you like strawberries for an afternoon snack,” he said gruffly.
“Our Cate is a creature of habit,” Oliver said breezily. “Makes life easier, if a bit boring.”
“There’s nothing boring about liking a routine,” Ethan said with a frown.
“Oh, no offense intended.” Oliver reached out for the bowl, but Ethan stepped past him, placing the bowl down on Cate’s desk.
The room was very tidy. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases on two walls showcased a wide collection of books that appeared worn and well-used. There were no knick-knacks or photos. Just one large print on the wall of a sunset over the ocean.
Cate’s desk was made from the same dark wood as the bookcases and solid-looking. The sort of desk you could throw someone over to fuck them.
Or spank them.
Two plush chairs were positioned across from her. Oliver settled comfortably into one of them.
“Damn, I think I need my own bodyguard-slash-butler.” He ran his eyes over Ethan in admiration. “You’re so lucky, Cate.”
The words were light and teasing, but they still didn’t sit well with Ethan.
Cate frowned at Oliver. “Ethan is not a butler. He’s Rhodes’ bodyguard. And there is nothing lucky about him being here. Someone is threatening Rhodes.”
“Of course.” Oliver smiled at Cate. “I apologize.”
“I’m uncertain why you’re apologizing to me. You should apologize to Ethan.”
“You’re quite right. Sorry, big guy, I’m just a bit jealous. It’s been ages since someone wanted to take care of me.” There was a lost note in his voice and Ethan’s hackles eased.
“Ethan isn’t taking care of me,” Cate said.
“Cate, he brought you strawberries. Which he cut up. For you. Besides, you said it yourself: he’s not your butler, so he’s not being paid to do this. This is him taking care of you.”
“Oh.” She flicked her eyes to Ethan, then away. “I, uh, I apologize, Ethan. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I expected you to bring me food. It’s kind of you. But you don’t have to. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you.” She turned to Oliver, who gave her a nod.
Clearly, she looked to Oliver for help in social situations, like she did with Rhodes.
However, he was kind of annoyed with Oliver for pointing out what he was doing. Now Cate felt awkward around him.
But Oliver wasn’t wrong. Ethan was trying to take care of her, which wasn’t strictly part of his job.
“Did it because I wanted to,” he told her.
Stepping out, he closed the door and sighed. Ethan wasn’t sure that had been a successful move. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if she now tried even harder to avoid him.