“I have to nap and have a spanking! I thought this was a holiday.” She pouted and folded her arms over her chest.
He tugged lightly at her hair, which she’d pulled back in a small ponytail.
“It is. But that doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want.”
Well. That was rude.
He set down a plate of food in front of her. It was one of the divider plates. There were cut-up strawberries in one section. Slices of chicken in another. Some grapes were in the third and crackers in the fourth.
Um. Yum.
Why had she been complaining about having to eat lunch?
“Daddy! Can I have a fork?”
“I’ll get one. One moment.” He set down a sippy cup of water and then moved behind her. He placed something on her chest and tied it around her neck.
A bib?
She glanced down at it. Yep. Bees and ladybugs.
“Daddy, you do spoil me.”
“Of course,” he said as he sat next to her and then turned her stool to face him. “You’re my Little girl.”
Instead of handing her the fork, he used it to spear a piece of chicken. Then he started to feed her.
Cate grew all warm inside. She loved being taken care of like this. He even held up the sippy cup for her to drink some water.
“I can feed myself if you want to eat, Daddy.”
“Thanks for thinking of me, baby,” he replied. “But Daddy will eat later once his girl is taken care of.”
When she was finished, he even washed her hands and face before removing the bib.
Then he lifted her down and took hold of her hand, leading her into the living room.
“Now, I’m going to clean up the kitchen. I set up a small play area for you until it’s time for your spanking and nap.”
She squirmed a bit. She’d kind of hoped he’d forgotten about that spanking nonsense.
There was a soft blanket on the floor. As well as a coloring book. But it looked like one of those coloring books for adults rather than children. And there were even pens.
He’d also set up some colored clay on a chopping board. And the third area had a small easel with a canvas on it. There were some paints and paintbrushes, along with a jar of water.
“Where did all these things come from?” she asked.
“I ordered them. I thought you might like to play with more tactile things. Or perhaps a more challenging coloring book.”
That was really thoughtful.
“And Rhodes told me how you used to love painting.”
She had? She vaguely remembered that. Actually, she was really drawn to the idea of painting.
“Now, the rule is that you’re to stay where I put you. That means you’re not to move off this blanket, understand me?” He stared down at her while she nodded.
“I understand.”