“You didn’t tell him where it is?” Ethan asked.
“No. I haven’t told anyone. I don’t think there’s any reason for him to come out.”
“Good. Go to sleep, baby girl. Let Daddy take care of everything.”
Ethan drove up to the gate and punched in the code that Rhodes had given him.
Cate was still sleeping in the seat next to him and he didn’t wake her. Rhodes had given him the alarm code and he had a garage door opener. As he drove down the driveway, he could see the house looming ahead of him.
The headlights lit up the dark and he took in the two-story log structure. There was a circular driveway in front and he drove around to the garage, hitting the door opener and driving in.
The house was surrounded by forest on two sides. Rhodes had told him that the closest neighbor was over a mile away. He’d bought the surrounding land to give him more privacy.
Turning off the car, he opened the trunk before walking into the house to turn off the alarm. Doing a quick walk-through, he checked the place, seeing that the housekeeper Rhodes used had been in and put fresh linens on the bed as well as stocking the fridge.
Moving back to the car, he unpacked all of the luggage, putting it into the main bedroom. He glanced out the window and saw the water glinting under the moonlight.
The place was right on the waterfront. The view must be amazing during the day.
Walking back into the garage, he opened the door and undid Cate’s belt. Then he picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom. She grumbled a bit, then opened her eyes to glare at him as he laid her on the bed, then started to strip her.
“Whatcha doin’, Daddy? I wants to sleep.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I should have put your PJs on when we left the city. I’ll get you in your onesie and then you can sleep. Although you should go potty first.”
Her legs and arms slammed down on the bed. “No potty!”
“Are you throwing a tantrum, Catie-pie?” he asked in a stern voice.
She took in a sobbing breath. “S-sorry, Daddy.”
“I know you’re tired, baby. I’m going to get you into bed as quickly as I can. But any tantrums and you’re getting your butt smacked.”
Her lower lip wobbled, but she nodded. He got her changed, then carried her and put her on the toilet. She didn’t even try to protest as he cleaned her up, brushing her teeth before putting her to bed.
“I’ll heat you up a bottle,” he told her as he placed pillows around her so she wouldn’t roll off.
She didn’t like warm milk, but he’d found a hot chocolate powder that was designed to help people sleep. After grabbing it from the bag as well as her baby bottle, he heated it up in the kitchen.
When he walked back in, her eyes were closed, and she had Lady held in her arms.
“Baby?” he queried, sitting next to her.
Cate opened her eyes and he lifted her, pulling her up slightly so she rested against his chest. Then he put the nipple into her mouth.
She sucked the drink down and he laid her back again, watching her sleep for a long while before he got up and unpacked.
Hopefully, she’d sleep better tonight.
Cate was grouchy
As she got out of bed, she groaned. She felt like she’d been run over by a truck.
Picking up her phone, her vision was blurry as she attempted to make out the time.
It was ten!