“I’m not sure,” Rhodes replied. “Has he ever been okay?”
“It’s debatable.”
“What is this? Pick On Daddy Day?” he asked her.
She smiled up at him.
“I’ve been thinking,” Rhodes said as Cate started feeding herself and Lady.
“I think that you and Cate should go to my vacation home at Big Bear Lake.”
Ethan frowned. “A vacation home?”
“It has a security system. Not as good as what you guys put in here, but there is one. And if Cate gets away from here, she’s not likely to be a target. I would have sent her away earlier, but I didn’t want her going away with a stranger. I knew she wouldn’t cope. But now you can go with her and take care of her. I think she needs to get away from here. It might help with her night terrors.”
Getting Cate away from here might help. Although he knew she would worry about Rhodes.
“She needs a break from thinking about all of this. Her work should be okay with it as long as she doesn’t have any meetings she can’t get out of. Only a few people know about it. Me, Cate, my housekeeper, and lawyer. I keep it as a place to escape to when I need to get away for some peace and quiet.”
Ethan nodded. “Good idea.” Cate would surely be safer. “All right, Butch will stay here with Seth to help guard you.”
Rhodes nodded. “Yeah. That will work. Why don’t you talk to Cate in the morning about it, but there’s no reason you couldn’t head off tomorrow provided Cate can sort her work out.”
Ethan turned back to Cate. “Yeah. I’ll do that.”
Cate clung to Rhodes as Ethan finished packing up the car with their stuff.
A shiver ran through her and Rhodes tightened his hold.
“Are you sure you’ll be all right?” she asked. “We can stay if you’d rather.”
She wanted to go to the lake house. It was probably her favorite place in the world. She’d never say anything to Rhodes, but she didn’t particularly like living in the city.
However, she didn’t like leaving him alone.
This morning, she’d woken up late and cranky. Two nights with bad dreams and interrupted sleep and she was feeling exhausted and stressed.
As soon as Ethan had brought up the idea of going to the lake house for a while, she’d felt this surge of relief. Then she’d felt guilty, knowing she’d be leaving Rhodes alone.
“I’ll be fine, honey,” Rhodes reassured her. “I’ve got Seth and Butch here.”
She knew that. And logically, it wasn’t like she’d be able to help if the stalker did try to get to him.
But it didn’t stop her from worrying.
“Come on, I’ll put you in your seat.” He let go of her, before taking her hand to lead her outside. It was dark out. They’d decided to leave after dinner when the traffic would be better. She also wondered if Ethan had chosen to leave at night in case the stalker was watching.
She didn’t see how it was possible. The motorcycle club guys were still doing regular drive-bys. Plus, the stalker surely wouldn’t be interested in where she was going. But she guessed Ethan was being cautious.
And the stalker had taken those photos of her . . . so yes, perhaps it was better to go at night.
Rhodes walked her out and held open the car door. Ethan turned to them. “Are you ready, baby?”
“Yes.” She gave Rhodes another hug before climbing into the seat.