“Cate,” Ethan said in a low, stern voice. His hands squeezed her hands. “Squeeze my hands back. Concentrate, baby girl. Squeeze.”
She forced herself to concentrate and squeezed his hands. It was enough to give her some sense of control. “Good girl, you’re doing so well. Everything is going to be all right. I’ve got you. Rhodes is here too. Nobody is upset at you. Everyone here loves you.”
Was that . . . did he mean it?
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t mean it the way she was hoping.
“Take another breath for me, baby. No, listen to me. You’re going to take another breath.” He put her hand on his chest and breathed in. “Just like this. Nice, deep breath in. Now, let it out. That’s it. But I want a deeper one next time.”
She managed to focus on the concern on his face. Rhodes was standing behind him, looking worried and she whimpered.
Was she ruining his life?
“No. Just concentrate on me. No one else. Another breath in. Good girl. You’re doing so well. Daddy’s good girl.”
She could feel herself growing warm. Her cheeks were probably red. But it wasn’t like Rhodes didn’t know about her Little side.
Wait. Where were Kevin and Seth?
“It’s just me and Rhodes here,” Ethan told her. “Seth escorted Kevin out. But even if Seth was here, he wouldn’t mind. He wouldn’t care. All that matters is you.”
Tears dripped down her cheeks. What had she done? Now she’d ruined Rhodes’ relationship with both Samantha and Kevin?
Her breath grew faster again.
“Uh-uh, no panicking,” Ethan warned. “Tell me five things you can see.”
“Cate,” Ethan spoke in a firm voice that she couldn’t ignore.
Her voice was a mere whisper. It sounded breathless.
“Rhoddy.” She glanced up at him quickly. She didn’t want to spend too much time looking at him in case he was angry with her.
She couldn’t stand that.
“What else?”
Cate closed her eyes for a moment. Surely, she could keep her breathing under control herself. But the panic was waiting there for her, like a monster creeping around in the dark, ready to pounce when the lights went out.
“No. Eyes on me, baby.” Ethan lightly grasped hold of her chin.
Cate wanted to point out that if she had her eyes on him, then how could she see other things? But she understood the point of the exercise.
“Sofa. Carpet. Walls.”
“That’s a good girl.”
Endorphins rushed through her, warming her.
Endorphins were good. They were a natural hormone that would alleviate stress, block pain, and increase her sense of wellbeing.
“I’m glad about that, baby,” Ethan said, smiling. “I think you could use all of those things.”