Page 202 of Guardian Daddy

A fucking liability.

Ruining your fucking career.

She’s a burden.

Cate knew she was likely having a panic attack. She had all the signs. Shortness of breath. A heavy feeling in her chest. Going hot, then cold.

She even knew how to calm herself.

But, somehow, that didn’t translate to her actually getting her breathing under control. There had just been too much lately.

The stalker.

Samantha moving in. Coming into her space.

Yelling at her. Hurting her.

Now this.

“Get out, Kevin,” Rhodes said sharply.

Why did his voice sound so far away?

Because you’re panicking. You need to breathe or you’re going to pass out.

That would likely take three to five minutes, right? She could totally get herself under control during that time.

Ethan was saying something, it sounded like he was mad. She didn’t want Ethan to be mad at her.

Then breathe, Cate.

You fucking liability.

Suddenly, she was in the air and cradled against a broad chest before she was settled on the sofa. Large hands took hold of hers.

A sense of safety enveloped her.

“She’s cold. Get her a blanket,” Ethan barked.

Blinking, she realized that it wasn’t Rhodes in front of her, but Ethan.

“Right, listen to me. I need you to take a breath, baby.”

He placed his hand lightly on her chest.

“Cate,” Rhodes called out. “I need you to look around and tell me five things you can see.”

But she couldn’t breathe, let alone talk.

There was a heavy weight on her chest.

Off! I have to get it off!

She scratched at her chest.

“Cate! Listen to me,” Rhodes told her urgently.

No, no, no.