Page 19 of Guardian Daddy


That was so gross. And embarrassing.

Rhodes handed her a glass of water as Ethan rubbed her back.

It was too much. She couldn’t handle it. Jumping off her stool, she fled to the safety of her bedroom.

Could she be any more of an idiot?

Who did that?

Rushing into her closet, she grabbed Lady, holding her toy tight. Then she quickly snapped the hair tie around her wrist against her skin.

Flick. Flick. Flick.

The pain wasn’t clearing her mind, though.


Crossing her arms over her torso, she patted her chest. Left side. Right side.

Butterfly hugs often helped her self-soothe and grounded her. But it felt like she needed something more. Rooting around in one of her drawers, she drew out her pacifier.

After placing it in her mouth, she gave herself some more butterfly hugs. Gradually, she felt calmer.

Still stupid. But the anxiety had receded enough that she could breathe easier. She could think.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Cate had to get herself under control because she knew Rhodes would be here soon to check on her.

Poor Rhodes, always having to take care of her crazy ass.

She’d set up a comfortable area in the closet to sit and read with a big beanbag seat and a soft weighted blanket.

Rhodes had put in a bookcase for her and there were drawers to keep things in.

There was a knock on her closet door a minute later. Pulling out her pacifier, she hid it in her drawer. Not that she was worried about Rhodes seeing it. He was always understanding of her . . . quirks.

But it felt like a sign of weakness.

Be tougher, Cate.

“I’m okay,” she called out, hoping he’d just walk away.

“Cate, you just choked,” Rhodes said. “I need to see that you’re all right. Protocol.”


“All right. Come in.”

Opening the door, Rhodes walked in and crouched next to her. “Are you all right?”

“Other than feeling like I completely humiliated myself?” she asked. “Sure. I’m great.”

“Cate. You choked. It wasn’t embarrassing. It was worrying.”

Shoot. That’s all she did for Rhodes. Worried him.