Page 3 of Guardian Daddy

“Brody! Are you ready to go home?” Autumn bounced into the room. She came to a stop as she saw Ethan, moving closer to where the Fox was lurking.

“Oh, hi, Mr. Stone. I didn’t know there was anyone still here,” Autumn said.

“Call me Stone or Ethan,” he told her.

“Stop flirting with my girl, Stone,” the Fox warned in a low voice.

Ethan tensed. Holy. Fuck. “I wasn’t. I was just talking to her.”

“Daddy!” Autumn chided. “Stop scaring Mr. Stone. He’s a very nice man.”

A very nice man?

Stone grimaced. Damned by faint praise. He would rather be sexy. Dangerous. Gorgeous.


No, he wasn’t nice.

The Fox grunted. “First, he touches my Pup, then he flirts with my Bunny. You don’t want to breathe for much longer, huh, Stone?”

Ethan closed his eyes. Why? Why him? Right now, he could’ve been at the club with a sub on her knees, getting ready to suck him off.

Although, for some reason that was becoming less and less appealing. He’d been going to the club for years and he’d always found the club a good mood stabilizer.

No matter what else was going on in his life, the club was his constant. Where he felt in control.

But he now found himself . . . disinterested.


He was the guy everyone came to with their problems.

Mr. Fixer. With all the answers.

If he didn’t have something to keep him grounded . . .

Fuck. He was worrying about nothing. Maybe he just had ‘Dom block.’ Like writer’s block.

Yeah. That’s all this was.

A temporary issue that would hopefully go away soon.

Perhaps after a vacation.

Opening his eyes, he spotted Brody glaring at something to the side and behind him.

Not something.


The Fox.

“Fox, we’ve talked about this,” Brody chided. “You can’t scare our friends.”

“Brody is right,” Autumn said. “We have to be nice to our friends or they won’t want to be our friends anymore.”

“Of course they will,” the Fox drawled. “I’ll make them.”