“Aww, my poor girl. Let’s get you tidied up.” He drew up her panties, then the drop seat before sitting her on his lap.
Then he stood and leaned over to grab some tissues from the box on the counter before sitting again so he could clean her up.
Holding her chin, he wiped her cheeks free of tears. Then he held the tissues to her nose.
She blew her nose. Ew. That was gross.
But he didn’t even grimace, just threw the tissue in the bin before standing and moving to the counter to grab a washcloth. He put it under warm water, then set her down on the counter.
“Ouch, Daddy! My bottom!”
“Is it sore to sit on? Well, that’s what happens when you get your butt spanked.”
That seemed rather harsh. Using the cloth, he wiped her face.
Oh, that was nice.
Then he cleaned her hands, even though they weren’t dirty. It was still sweet.
Picking her up, he carried her into the bedroom and settled her under the covers. “I have something else for you. I’ve already washed it.”
He disappeared into the closet and came back with a bottle.
A baby bottle.
Oh. She had read books where the heroine used a baby bottle. She’d dreamed about being brave enough to order one. But she’d never taken that step.
“I’m going to go and fill this with milk and get you some water.”
Out into the kitchen? What if someone saw?
“Don’t worry. I won’t let anyone see me.” He put the pillows around her again. She felt so snug and comfy.
Letting out a sigh, she let her eyes drift shut. Exhaustion rolled over her.
She was always like this after she had an . . . an episode, she guessed you’d call it.
And now her routine was all out of whack. Then again, she hadn’t been able to stick to it very well lately. Perhaps that was part of the problem too.
“Aww, my baby. You’re so tired, aren’t you?”
Cate let out a small whimper as she felt him get into bed beside her. The pillow between them was pulled away and then he drew her against his chest.
“Shh, baby. Daddy has you.” The nipple of the bottle was pressed to her lips and she opened her mouth and sucked.
She wrinkled her nose and pulled her mouth away.
“What’s wrong? You don’t like the bottle?”
“I like the bottle, Daddy. But I don’t think I can drink warm milk. It’s kind of yuck. I don’t think I’ve had it in years and I just don’t think I like it.”
“That’s fair enough.” He kissed her forehead. “Maybe if it had some flavoring?”