“Take my hands,” he ordered. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do, but she looked so fucking lost that it was breaking his heart.
She took hold of his hands.
She squeezed them.
“That’s my good girl. Nice deep, slow breaths for Daddy. And squeeze again.”
Her breathing slowed as she calmed down.
“I’m sorry,” she stuttered out the words. “I can’t . . . I wasn’t . . . I’m so sorry.”
“I’m going to pick you up so I can hold you now,” he warned her. He lifted her so she was sitting sideways in his lap. The blanket came with her and he resettled it over her. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tight.
But it didn’t seem quite right, so he turned her. That way she faced him, and he could hold her tight to his chest.
“Better, baby?”
“Yes,” she said with a sigh, relaxing in his embrace.
“I know that you’re overwhelmed and upset, but you don’t apologize for things that aren’t your fault.”
“I thought you might have been horrified by what happened.”
“Not happening. Nothing you could ever do would horrify or upset me. I promise you that.”
“I’m so?—”
“Careful, any more I’m sorries from now on are going to result in you spending some time over my lap. And I don’t mean for a cuddle.”
She was quiet after that, and he placed his hand behind her head as he rocked her back and forth.
“Yes, baby?”
“Thanks for taking care of me.”
“Hey, you never have to thank me for that. It’s my privilege. If you ever need me, I’m going to be here for you, all right? You never have to deal with anything alone.”
“You’re a good man, Ethan Stone.”
“I try to be.” He kissed the top of her head. “I do need to talk to you about something though. Do you think you feel up to it?”
“I can try.”
“It’s this.” He took hold of her hand, holding up her wrist.
“My wrist?”
“The hair tie. Flicking your hair tie against your wrist. Baby, why do you do that?”
That was all she said.