“You’re not my bed.” She shook her head. Wait. Of course he wasn’t. “I fell asleep on you?”
That was surprising.
Then she shifted forward as her bottom throbbed and rubbed up against something firm.
“Just ignore that. Seems he likes having you tucked up against him,” he told her. “How are you feeling? Other than hungry?”
“My butt hurts.” She glared at him.
“It’s supposed to hurt.” He tapped her lips. “And you might want to put that glare away before Daddy decides he didn’t spank you enough and puts you back over his lap.”
“What? Daddy! You can’t do that!”
“Sure, I can. I’m the Daddy.”
That was just mean.
“I can’t believe you spanked me. And I cried on you. Then I napped on you. I never nap.”
Her tummy grumbled.
“Little girls need naps. Helps keep the tantrums at bay.” He tapped her nose as he stood. He took her with him, sliding her around so she sat on his hip.
Whoa. This was a strange way to be carried. Although she liked it better than being over his shoulder.
He walked to the kitchen and set her down on her favorite stool.
“I think that Daddy might need to get his girl something she can sit in safely.”
“But I can sit on this stool safely. I do it all the time.”
Oh yes.
“I sit on it all the time, Daddy,” she said.
“When you’re Big. But Little girls need to be strapped in so they’re safe.”
Was he talking about a high chair?
“I am not a baby. I am a big girl.”
“Maybe not a baby. But certainly not a big girl either.” He moved around the kitchen, preparing some lunch.
“I am a big girl.” It was surprising how much she liked the idea of being young enough to need a high chair though.
Although perhaps it shouldn’t be, considering how attached she was to her pacifier.
“Hmm. And definitely some special plates. And a sippy cup. Perhaps even a bottle.”
“Daddy! Only babies use bottles!”
“Toddlers have bot-bots too.”