Suddenly, he whipped off his T-shirt and handed it to her. “Thanks.”
“What’s going on here?”
Cate startled at Kevin’s voice. He was staring down at them both in disbelief. “What are you doing?”
“Cate?” Rhodes glanced over at them.
“Uh, he has a stain.” She held up the T-shirt.
Be normal.
“So he just whipped his T-shirt off in front of you?” Kevin was giving Brody a look that she didn’t like.
“I asked him to,” she told him firmly. Most of the time, she stayed out of Kevin’s way. She knew that he was great for Rhodes’ career, which is why she never said anything to her brother . . . but Kevin could be a dick sometimes.
“There’s a spare T-shirt in my suitcase,” Mr. Stone said. “I’ll go get it out of the car.”
She watched as he stood and walked out. He was broad across the shoulders, and his biceps were so thick that she wasn’t even sure she’d be able to get both hands around them.
Cate never thought she’d be attracted to the rough and rugged type. A man with a beard had never been on her radar.
But perhaps it was time to start reading some mountain man romance.
She wondered what it would feel like to have Mr. Stone’s arms around her. A strange thought. She didn’t usually like to be touched by people that she didn’t know and trust.
Ethan Stone.
She liked that name. The same number of letters for his first and last name added a symmetry she appreciated.
He didn’t have the classical good looks of the other bodyguard, Seth Blue. Another symmetrically pleasing name.
However, Mr. Blue didn’t have the same appeal for some reason. He should. He was gorgeous with dark hair and bright blue eyes. Mr. Blue could have been a movie star like Rhodes.
Mr. Stone returned with a top he gave to a blushing Brody. He gave Cate a long look and her insides warmed. What was it about him? Maybe it was how steady he seemed. Calm.
“Sorry,” Brody whispered to her.
“Not your fault. It’s mine.”
“Nah, it’s definitely my fault.” He slipped the T-shirt on. “I took my top off.”
“I asked you to.”
“But it was my?—”
Someone cleared their throat and she glanced up into Mr. Stone’s face. He looked . . . amused?
Or maybe it was gas?
Babies smiled when they had gas, right? So yeah, it was likely that.
“Are you all right, Mr. Stone?” she asked. “Do you need an antacid?”
“Uh, no. Why would you think that? Also, call me Ethan.”
Okay. Not gas. Noted.