Remember that sometimes Cate doesn’t always understand why people react the way they do.
“I’m angry at the way they treated you. You were just a young child and they were supposed to take care of you. Instead, they took advantage of you.”
She seemed to think about that. “You’re right. They did. Although I am excellent at getting stains out now.” She stared down at the mark on his sweater.
“Do you need to deal with the mark, sweetheart?”
“I, um, I am trying to ignore it. But it is hard.”
“It’s all right to get a bit dirty, you know. Happens to everyone.”
“Not to me. If I got any marks on my clothes, my aunt would be very angry at me.”
“Would she get angry at her own son for getting dirty?”
“Oh no, she never got angry at James.” She glanced up at him. “She hated me.”
“She’s a terrible person who didn’t deserve to have you living with her.”
She nodded, but the movement was shaky.
He was meant to be helping her relax and instead she was now wound up tight.
“Do you want some more to eat?” he asked.
She shook her head. He quickly finished off the sandwich, not that hungry himself anymore.
“I’ll take this into the kitchen.” She reached for the tray.
“Nope. I’ll do it. I need you to pick us a movie.”
Cate bit her full lip. “All right. I’ll try.”
“Good girl. I’ll get a blanket. Would you like your stuffed toy?”
She stiffened and glanced up at him.
“What was her name? Lady?”
“I, um, I don’t know. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is. I want you to be happy and comfortable.”
Pleasure filled her face as she stared up at him. “All right. I can get her.”
“I’ll get her, baby. You stay right there.”
He quickly tidied up the kitchen, then grabbed Lady and her blanket from her walk-in closet. The blanket was weighted. That must help her feel better.
Then he remembered how tight she’d wanted him to hold her earlier.
Hmm. He filed that information away as he returned to the living room.
She was scrolling through the movies and biting her lip again.
“I don’t . . . I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to choose. I don’t watch many movies. I don’t want to get it wrong.”