Page 121 of Guardian Daddy

What was she doing?

Could she let go?

And in front of someone that she hadn’t known that long. Even if he was one of the kindest men she’d ever met.

With a strong streak of dominance and alpha protectiveness thrown in.

“Here you are.” He returned with some plastic measuring cups and spoons. “I know it’s not much. But it’s all I could come up with.”


She stared at the items as he put them in the bath. Was she supposed to measure something?

Cate internally shrugged. She guessed she could count how many bubbles she could get into a cup. That could be interesting.

Holding one of the cups, she carefully gathered up some bubbles. But it was difficult to get them into the cup without some of them popping. And even more difficult to count them.

Hmm, perhaps she’d go for larger bubbles.

“Catie-pie, what are you doing?”

“Have you called me that before?” she asked.

“Um, yes, I did just a few minutes ago.”

“No. I mean before that. Have you called me that another time?”

“Yes, while you were in Little headspace.”

She froze for a moment. “Oh.”

“Do you object?”

Did she? She thought about that for a moment.

“No. I don’t object.”

“That’s good. Because I think it suits you since you’re so damn cute all the time.”

Oh no. She was blushing again.

“What are you doing, though?” he asked.

“I’m trying to see how many bubbles can fit in the measuring cup.” She glanced up at him. “Why? What did you wish me to do?”

“I thought you might play with them.” He picked one up and filled it with water, then poured it out. “See?”

“Oh. Do you want me to try and work out how much water is in the bath?”

“No, baby. I want you to have fun.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I thought it might be enjoyable just to play with them.”

All right.

She supposed she could try. She shot him a look. Was he upset that she hadn’t realized what he wanted?

His face appeared calm. No tension in his shoulders or jaw or hands.

And he promised to tell you if he got upset over something.