Page 110 of Guardian Daddy

Cate pointed a finger at him. “No.”

“No pointing fingers, Little one,” he scolded. “That’s how Little girls end up in the corner.”

The corner?

This was starting to feel overwhelming.

The sexiest, kindest, steadiest man she’d ever met wanted to kiss her.


Bad-kisser Cate.

“I need to take care of you, baby. And I want you to be comfortable with that because I intend to do it often.”

Shock filled her at his words. “You do?”

“Oh yes, sweetheart. I don’t do drugs. I don’t smoke. I rarely drink. But my drug of choice, the thing that makes me feel good and gives me a high, is being needed.”

She worked so hard at not needing anyone.

Except Rhodes.

And now, maybe, Ethan.

“You like to be needed.”

“It makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel seen. Secure in a relationship. The problem I’ve had with past relationships is that I liked it a bit too much. To the point where I wanted my partner to need me for everything and I smothered them. I’m going to try not to do that with you. But I want your promise that you will tell me if I get too much.”

“I’m not sure I could ever imagine someone taking care of me being too much.”

“It might be. So I need that promise.”

“I will tell you.” That was something she could do. “Sometimes I overshare without realizing that I’m oversharing. So tell me if I become too much. Also, as you know, I’m not good in social situations, with meeting new people, at reading people, understanding sarcasm, and being touched. Although I seem to be all right with you touching me. But people I don’t know well. I also have no experience with any of this and am likely to make a lot of mistakes. Will you get angry at me?”

“No, baby,” he told her gently. “Truth is, I can’t see myself ever getting angry at you. But I might become mad if someone attempts to hurt you. Those are two different things, understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“I will likely get upset if you deliberately put your safety and health at risk. What I will never do is yell or touch you in anger.”

“Will you tell me when you’re upset and why? It’s just that sometimes I don’t always understand why people are upset with me.”

“Yes. I will be as clear as I can be with you. Even if I have to tell you that I simply need a moment. Okay?”

“All right. That is acceptable. Then we would talk it through?”

“Yes, then we would talk. And depending on what happened, you might get your butt spanked.”

Her breath hitched. Spanked? She didn’t know how to feel about that exactly. On the one hand, she was intrigued . . .

On the other hand . . . she’d be over his knee getting her butt smacked.

“Does that scare you?”

“I’m not sure scared is the right word.” She frowned.

“I hope you’re not because I never want to frighten you. Smacking that delectable ass of yours . . . well, let’s just say I’ve been thinking that a lot lately.”