“I need something from you,” he told her.
Great. Way to just blurt it out.
But she didn’t look alarmed. Or upset. In fact, she just tilted her head and stared at him. “You need something from me?”
“Yes. I’m hoping it’s not too much to ask.”
“What is it?”
“I need to take care of you.”
Her pale blue eyes widened. “Take care of me? Isn’t that what you’ve been doing for the last few weeks?”
There was a slight blush in her cheeks and he ran a finger over her smooth skin.
“In a way, yes. But I need more. My . . . my protective instincts are riding me hard. You were in danger today and I can’t stand it. Although it’s more than just what happened. It’s your tiredness. It’s the way your boss looked at you. It’s feeding you a burger and tater tots. It’s just . . . you, baby. Will you let me take care of you? Maybe Daddy you . . . just slightly.”
“Just slightly?” she repeated.
He groaned. “That’s likely a lie. I’ll try to hold myself back. I don’t want to step over your limits or push your comfort level. The last thing I want is to make you wary around me. But my brain is screaming at me that I have to look after you to ensure you’re safe.”
He knew she was going to say no. And he didn’t blame her. This was a lot that he was putting on her.
“What would you want to do exactly?”
Shock filled him, freezing his tongue.
“Sorry,” she said. “I struggle with new situations when I don’t understand what might happen. If there are clear boundaries, rules, expectations, that sort of thing, then I find it easier. But I understand that can be irritating . . . to have to explain everything to me. I think . . . I think maybe I’m going to go get ready for bed. I feel tired after everything.”
“Whoa. Okay. Stop.”
He was a fucking idiot.
But, also, she had to stop thinking everything was her fault and apologizing all the time.
“I want you to listen to me and you’re not to move from my lap,” he added when she continued to try and wriggle off his legs.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re bossy?”
“Thank you, yes. I have heard that on occasion.”
“Like when I called you stubborn, that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Hmm, I’ll take it as one.”
She huffed out a breath. “Only you would think that being called bossy was a compliment.”
“I like you like this.”
“On your lap?”
“Hmm. That too. But I was actually talking about how at ease you are with me. Do you realize that you’re no longer hiding all of your emotions from me? When I do something you don’t like, you tell me. And when I do something you do like.”
“Oh.” She bit her lip. “I have been, haven’t I?”
“Yes. I like that you feel safe enough with me to show me parts of you. I can’t wait until I see all of you.”