“I do need to carry you, no arguments.” He was aware that he was being overly bossy. But he needed to hold her.
To his surprise, she patted his back. “All right, then. I will allow it.”
Ethan kept an eye on Cate as he spoke to Ink on the phone.
The cops had already been, taking photos of the car and asking the same questions a hundred times. He’d wanted to tell them to stay away from Cate, but he knew that would just create delays and more questions.
She was now sitting on the sofa, talking to her brother. Seth had told him that Rhodes was still talking about coming home and that Samantha was losing her shit.
He was glad he wasn’t there.
“How is Cate?” Ink asked.
“Tired. She held it together well, but I think it’s going to hit her.”
“Fucking bastard. All right. Some guys from the MC will watch outside on the street for tonight and through the weekend until Seth gets back.”
“They must owe Reyes one hell of a favor.”
Ink grunted. “Yeah. I’m going to see if I can free up anyone else to come out and help. Are you going to be all right?”
“Yeah. Even if that asshole was the stalker and knows where the house is, between the guys outside and the security system, I’ll be fine.”
“I just don’t get why this asshole would come after Cate,” Ink said. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“I know. I need to go check on her.”
“Sure. Keep checking in.”
“Will do.”
Once he ended the call with Ink, Ethan turned to Cate just in time to see her stand and stumble.
He leaped over and grabbed her.
“Baby? Are you all right?”
Her trembling grew almost violent, her teeth chattering. Delayed reaction. She’d done so well at holding everything together, but now it was time to let him take over.
“Oh, baby. Everything is all right. You’re fine.”
Moving slowly so he didn’t frighten her, he drew her into his chest, holding her.
“T-tighter,” she told him.
He tightened his hold and felt her relax slightly. “I’m going to pick you up and carry you into your room.”
She was breathing erratically. Fuck, he couldn’t take it anymore.
He had to get her somewhere that she felt safe. Lifting her into his arms, he cradled her against his chest.
“I . . . I’ve never b-been carried l-like this before.”
“You’re freezing,” he grumbled. “I should have done this as soon as we got home.”
“I had to talk to the police.”