Page 102 of Guardian Daddy

Seth started swearing and she could hear her brother’s voice in the background, demanding to know what was going on.

Traffic gridlocked, and Ethan started to swear as well. “We need to get off here.”

“I’ve got you,” Seth said. “Have you got a make and model?”

“Black BMW. It started with an LQ.”

She turned around in her seat, trying to find the vehicle behind them.

“Cate! What are you doing?” Ethan growled.

“Trying to figure out what car it was. It must have damage on the front. It’s hard to see now that it’s getting dark.”

“Sit down. Right now.”

“But I might be able to see it.”


His hand landed on her ass and she jolted.

“What was that?” she cried.

“Sit down. Right. Now.”

His voice was so stern that she sat without thought.

“You slapped my bottom!”

“And I’ll do it again if you do anything like that. Sitting up like that isn’t safe in any circumstances, but especially not when some asshole is trying to run us off the road.”

“I was just trying to find the car. And he isn’t right behind us.”

“But he could easily have side-swiped us,” he told her. “You need to stay safe.”

“Cate!” Rhodes’ frantic voice sounded through the speaker.

“Rhodes, I’m all right,” she told him.

“Are you sure? What’s going on? Why did Ethan tell you to sit down?”

“I was just trying to find the car.”

“Cate, do what Ethan tells you to. Promise me.”

She closed her eyes. “I promise. I’m fine.”

“I’m getting off at the next exit,” Ethan said, tightening his hands around the steering wheel. “I don’t know if he’ll follow, but I’ll try to get far enough ahead to get away from him. Is Seth still there?”

“Yeah, he’s just talking to Ink and Brody. Apparently, someone called Reyes has some connections with a . . . with a motorcycle gang here?”

“A gang?” she asked.

“It won’t be a gang,” Ethan told her. “I don’t think, anyway. Ink and I belong to the same MC club as Reyes. He’s the president. He knows a few people. Right, we’re exiting.”

“You ride a motorcycle?” she asked.

“Yep. Although I’ve only just joined the club.”