Page 239 of Guardian Daddy

“She broke into the house that night I was home alone?” she asked.

“That part she hasn’t confessed to,” Rhodes said. “She could be lying. Or maybe it was just a break-in.”

“Wow. I can’t believe Samantha would do that. But I’m so relieved this is all over.”

“You and me both.”

“I can’t believe the detective didn’t call me,” Ethan grumbled. “Why did he call you?”

“She kept asking for me. He called me down to the precinct to interview me. I told him I’d let you know everything that had happened. The guy looked exhausted, but he said he’d also call you later. But I guess this calls for a celebration. No more stalker.”

Cate moved to him, hugging him tight. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

“Me too, honey. I’m glad we’re all safe.”

An hour later, Cate was sitting with Rhodes on the outdoor sofa as they looked over the lake. “I’m really sorry about Samantha.”

“Me too. But she wasn’t the person for me. I shouldn’t have led her on like I did. Although I thought she knew we weren’t serious.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” She managed to give him a smile. But on the inside, she was worrying.

What would happen now? Was Ethan going to leave now that the threat was taken care of?

What would happen to the two of them?

Rhodes’ phone buzzed and he drew it out, frowning. “What the fuck? There’s something lying against the gate.”

Ethan rushed out. He’d been on the phone to Ink. “There’s something at the gate.”

“I’m going to go check,” Rhodes said.

“Nope. I will,” Ethan countered.

“You’re not my bodyguard anymore.”

They glared at each other.

“Um, shouldn’t someone go look?” she asked. “I could do it.”

“No!” Both of them turned to her.

Ethan’s face softened. “Baby, go into the house and keep warm. We’ll go check and then come back. But stay in the house. Promise.”

Rhodes nodded, backing Ethan up.

“Fine. I will.”


Rhodes walked with him as they approached the object sitting against it. Only . . . the gate was open.

“How is the gate open? Did you do it?” Rhodes asked him.

“No. I didn’t.”

What was that? A rolled-up rug?

A bad feeling developed in his stomach. “Rhodes, you should stay back.”