"Almost there, Keaton," She yells back.
I look at her as her hand clutches the wheel in a deadly grip. I've never seen Venus lose her temper before, but seeing her best friend in this condition makes her crazy with rage.
My focus is back on Althea, petting her long hair, begging in her ear to wake up.
To show me the most beautiful shade of brown.
I kiss her cheek multiple times, her cold skin making me whimper. She's not going to leave me.
I am selfish when it comes to her. Althea's been through hell and back and the pain could've killed her. But my wife is strong. And she will survive this.
"If you want to hear me declare my love to you, you better open your damn eyes." I keep kissing her cheek, but she remains hard as a rock.
The car stops suddenly and I halt Althea in my arms again. I exit the car in a hurry, running into the hospital as fast as I can.
I don't yell for help because immediately as I see a nurse with a free stretcher, I put Althea on it and she knows what to do.
"You're okay now." I whisper to Althea as I take her hand in mine, running next to her stretcher. The nurse is yelling something and a doctor comes running too in our direction.
"Just hang on, baby." I talk to her, hoping she hears
"Sir, you can't go further." A nurse touches my arm and I yank it away from her.
No one will touch until Althea wakes up and brings my soul back to life.
I walk in front of the doctor, spatting in his face. "If something happens to my wife, I will hunt you and your loved ones down until your bloodline doesn't exist anymore."
The doctor nods and rushes with the nurses to the surgical ward.
I look after Althea, feeling my chest numb. The adrenaline is out of my body and I feel myself falling on the dirty floor.
If Althea dies, so is my heart.
The first two hours while waiting for Althea to come out of surgery were full of threats, curses and walking in circles until the nurses almost sedate me.
The next three I made a plan with Venus to go into the room, demanding answers to why does it takes so long. We entered the surgery and some nurses fought with us, lying to us that Althea can hear us and we shouldn't upset her while she is opened on that table. A doctor then came to tell us her right lung collapsed and that explains the blood loss, her shoulder got dislocated and the elbow on the same hand was broken. They had to check her brain because she hit her head hard, and luckily there was no internal bleeding
After another two hours in which the nurses came
thrice for blood, Althea is finally out of the surgery.
I see the doctor walk in our direction with bags under his eyes and a sweaty forehead.
"How is she?" Venus demands before I had the chance to open my mouth.
The doctor shrugs and I have the urge to punch him, but he says immediately after. "Mrs. Moretti's injuries were severe, but not enough for a seven-hour surgery. We repaired her collapsed lung and adjusted her shoulder. Fortunately, she has no brain damage, but her forehead had a crack on the right side so we needed to put stiches. The reason why it took so long it was because your wife's heart didn't want to beat anymore."
The words hit me harder than anything.
Her heart didn't want to beat anymore?
My hand goes to the wall beside me for support and I feel the room's temperature getting colder.
"We had her on bypass because her heart was weak when she arrived, but after we finished her surgery, her heart just didn't want to start again." The doctor explains further.
My Althea doesn't want to live anymore?