Page 141 of His Cursed Heart

"Allan told me in that night that Famiglia chose its next King." Everette says and he starts trembling in my


They chose?

My panic is at full high, thinking of the worst possibilities.

"They aren't taking Vincent. He's turning five in October. He's a little boy," My panic is interrupted by my husband's lips.

For a second, I let myself lose in him, but then, I push away from me.

"Everette, you can't let them take him-"

"They don't want him, baby. Vincent is safe from this." He says calmly, trying to take my panic away.

"Then who? Vincent is the rightful heir of Famiglia. I won't let anyone take that away from him." I say angrily.

Since I found out about Vincent's arrival, all I knew was that I will make him the best Capo that Famiglia ever had.

The thought of someone taking his place makes my blood boil.

"That's why I almost went to war with them, Althea." He whispers and his eyes are turning dark.

And then it finally clicked.

Famiglia is a traditional mafia. They know Vincent is too young to be Capo. And they still want the Luciano bloodline to continue ruling.

"They want me." I say in a rough voice.

Everette's eyes close and he looks feral, "Yeah, baby. They want you as a Donna."

For me it never existed the possibility of becoming the next ruler of Famiglia. First, I am a woman and it never existed a Donna in this world, besides the Empress. Second, even if a Donna existed, Hanibal would've chose Keres. Third, I don't want to be a Donna.

But what if...

"What did Empress say?" I ask curiously. Everette lets out a snort and I frown.

"Of course she's agreeing with Famiglia. She thinks you would be a perfect ruler. And not just for Famiglia, but for any mafia."

"And you think she's wrong?" His answer makes me curious.

"Fuck no. You are the strongest woman I know, of course you would be the best. It's the fact that no one asked you if you want this."

My body softens at his words. After everything that I've done, he's still here with me.

"I don't want to be the next ruler, but what if I prepare the Famiglia for Vincent?" I look into his eyes for any reaction, but I don't see any.

"Prepare in what way?"

"I'll make the Famiglia the mafia Hanibal never wanted. Strong, loyal, unpredictable. I'll be the Donna until Vincent is ready to take his rightful place as Capo. I'll prepare Famiglia for the best Capo of all times." I explain with a little smile.

I will make sure Vincent is unstoppable.

Everette looks at me with pride, trying to stop his own smile. He's so beautiful it hurts to look at him.

And so sexy with the transparent white, wet shirt on him that I'm trying to not jump his bones.

"Then let's get to work, my Donna." He whispers and my knees weakens.