He nods. “You should come see the house. It looks a lot different than the last time you saw it.”
I smile, the warmth in me overshadowing the irritation I feel about the interruption. “Sounds like a plan.”
This far into my life, I thought I’d experienced all the feelings there were to feel. But Mackenna has cracked open something new inside me. It’s hard to explain. All I know is that I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything else. I want her kisses. Her laughter. Her attention. Her endless company.
Jesus, I feel like I’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow.
Shaking my head at myself, I look around at my gutted house and wonder if it was a stupid idea to invite her up here. There’s nothing impressive about the house yet. It’s just a blank slate. I have the ability to look at it and see all its potential, but that doesn’t mean she’ll see it, too.
“Wow. Reid, your house looks so much bigger now with everything cleared out.”
I turn and see Mackenna standing in my doorway, smiling that gorgeous smile of hers. The corner of my own mouth lifts when I see that she’s holding a container in her hands.
“If that’s what I think it is, it’s unnecessary,” I say as I walk over to her.
She shakes her head. “You were really helpful with Daisy yesterday. I can’t let that go unappreciated.”
“A simple thank you was more than enough.”
“Well, I was in the mood to bake.” She pushes the container into my hands and looks around again. “Are you expanding the layout? Is that why that part of the wall is gone?”
“Exactly. I don’t need this to be a huge house, but I do want a little more room.”
“Makes sense.”
She starts to walk through the house, and I follow her, watching her as she takes everything in.
“I like the changes you made to the window openings,” she says. “Such a better view.”
When we step into the room that’s eventually going to become the primary bedroom, Mackenna glances at the sleeping bag on the floor and shoots me a curious look. “Have you been staying here overnight?”
“On occasion. Sometimes it makes more sense to crash here than drive home.”
“It doesn’t look very comfortable.”
“There’s a pad underneath the sleeping bag. It’s more comfortable than it looks.”
“Why do I have a hard time believing that?” She gives me a playfully challenging look as she kicks off her shoes. The next thing I know, she’s lying down on my sleeping bag with her hands folded behind her head. “Huh. Wow. It actually isn’t that bad.”
“Like I said, it’s more comfortable than it looks.”
She fakes an exaggerated yawn. “Well, goodnight.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” I say.
“I’ve had a long day, Reid,” she says, eyes closed. “I’m exhausted.”
“You are not taking a nap in my sleeping bag.”
“Technically, I’m on your sleeping bag, not in your sleeping bag…hey!” Her eyes fly open as I scoop her up into my arms. “Put me down!”
I laugh, lay her back down, and move over her, the sleeping bag rustling noisily beneath us. When I kiss her, she pushes her whole body against me with need.
“You little flirt,” I murmur before sucking on her bottom lip.