I should not be thinking this way, but I want it. I want him. The way he makes me feel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, and I don’t care how mushy that makes me sound. It’s just the plain truth.
“I’m okay,” I half lie.
I don’t know what I am, really. I’m not sure what I’m thinking at all. Brooklynn watches me, but I decide to go back to my chopping and finish up my cheese and vegetable platter. I am lost in my own thoughts.
My mind is spinning with thoughts of the professor, Reid, and everything they both entail. I feel a bit overwhelmed by everything, and I’m glad when the girls all arrive for the game and I’m no longer under scrutiny.
We settle into the living room, our snacks and drinks on the coffee table, the game pulled up and ready to go. The announcers are talking about the teams, but when I hear Reid’s last name, my heart skips a beat.
I am that ridiculously into this man. I hold my breath, listening to the announcer talk about how Reid is newer to the team and wants a better contract, so he needs to be on his A game.
Instantly, at hearing his words, I’m filled with guilt.
If he messes up, is it going to be my fault? The last thing I want to do is ruin his career. It’s clear to me that this is something he’s worked his entire life for. I never thought about his game and how anything happening in his personal life could affect it.
What if whatever happened between him and Professor MacDonald is going to affect his headspace?
Oh my gosh.
Turning, I look at Brooklynn. She is staring at the television but must feel my gaze on her because she slowly turns her head, and her eyes find mine.
“Lorelai?” she asks on a whisper.
“Do you think that stuff with the professor is going to mess up his playing?” I ask.
Her eyes widen, she blinks, then she giggles but doesn’t say anything.
“What?” I ask.
Her lips are turned up in a huge smile as she leans over. “Babe, I am pretty sure he’s going to be great with all the bedroom action he’s getting from you.”
“Brooklynn,” I hiss.
She leans back, holding her hands up as she shakes her head. “Girl,” she laughs, “you get yours. Nobody is going to say a damn word. But that’s only going to make him play better, I think.”
The rest of the girls agree, and I can feel my face heat from their scrutiny. Pressing my lips together, I roll my eyes and lift my hands to my cheeks. I focus on the television, trying to ignore my hot cheeks. I’m not sure I can, though. I know I’m red. However, when Reid appears on the screen, everything else in my mind vanishes.
He skates by the camera, and I swear my whole body shivers.
Everything else I was thinking about? Gone. I can’t take my eyes off him. When the game begins, I am completely and totally entranced.
Sweat pours down my face. There aren’t enough electrolyte drinks to hydrate me right now. But I’m good with it. This just means I’m playing and playing hard—loving every goddamn second of it.
The opposing team out of Colorado is playing well tonight but not good enough to beat me. I won’t let them. We’re one point ahead, and I’m about to take another shot, which I know will be soon since the puck is in our hands.
Slapping the sticks around, I move toward the goalie and wait for Forrest to pass to me. He doesn’t disappoint. As soon as the puck slides across the ice, I do my wrist flip and send it gliding across the ice straight past the goalie and into the net with only three seconds to spare.
Colorado isn’t even trying after that score. They draw out the three seconds, and we easily block everything they half-heartedly attempt to send our way. When the buzzer sounds, we are the victors. We have to do this again tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon, but we’re the winners tonight, and that’s all I give a fuck about.
That and getting back to my room to call Lorelai.
I give a fuck about that, too.
Leaving the arena, we head toward the locker rooms to shower and change. I think about calling Lorelai immediately but decide to wait until I’m in the room. Gathering my duffel bag, I throw the strap over my shoulder and follow the rest of my teammates as we make our way out to the buses.