“What the hell are you doing here? Who the fuck are you?”
Instead of matching his anger, I stay as cool and calm as possible. Keeping my feet planted in their place, I leave my arms loose at my side. I’m ready to defend myself if I need to, but my plan is to just scare the hell out of him.
“You in the habit of failing students and blackmailing them with sexual favors in order to get their grades up? Because from what I walked in on, I would say the answer to that question is yes.”
He presses his lips together. Caught. I see the guilt slide over his face, but he doesn’t admit to it. He wouldn’t. And just because I’ve made him feel guilty in this moment doesn’t mean he’s sorry about anything he’s done. It also doesn’t matter what the fuck he tries to say. I know he’s an asshole and a pervert all rolled into one.
“You look at Lorelai sideways, and I’ll come back here. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t want that to happen.”
He dips his chin in a nod, his eyes focused on mine, but otherwise, he stays silent. Otto surprises me when he takes a step forward, his eyes full of rage as he leans forward.
“And if I ever find out that you use those tactics again on any student, you won’t like the outcome at all.”
We leave.
Not allowing this asshole to respond, mainly because it gives me the goddamn ick to be anywhere near him and in this classroom. Lorelai will never take a class with this guy again. I don’t care if I have to drive her four hours each way to Charlotte to take this class. Because I will. Anything to keep her safe.
I can’t sleep. Tossing and turning, I pinch my eyes closed and try to force myself to find dreamland, but it doesn’t work. Then I hear a noise. It’s my door. It opens, then closes softly, as if someone is sneaking into my room.
I stop breathing.
Opening my eyes would do no good. I keep my room dark, with blackout curtains and everything. There isn’t even low moonlight shining into this room. No night-light, no nothing, but that changes tomorrow.
My bed dips at the end. Then, slowly, I feel it dip in different places as if someone is crawling up my mattress. I don’t know what to do. My heart races, slamming against my rib cage. I don’t know what to do, what to think.
I am frozen.
My flight or fight from earlier today has completely left me, and now I am frozen in fear and full of adrenaline. A nose slides alongside mine, my breath hitches, and then I feel lips against my ear.
“It’s Reid,” his voice murmurs.
It’s rough and sexy. It’s beautiful. And all the fear leaves my body. But then my adrenaline spikes because Reid is in my bed, his body hovering above mine, his hands on either side of my head.
Oh my god.
What is happening?
I don’t know what to say or what to do, so I stay frozen. This time, it’s not in fear but instead in shock.
When his face shifts and I feel his lips touch mine, every thought in my entire mind vanishes. There is nothing left inside of me. I am full of goo. Complete and total goo. His tongue slips inside my mouth. He swirls and tastes me.
It’s perfection. He is perfection.
Then he breaks the kiss, nibbling on my bottom lip before he moves down my throat, tasting me as he does. His fingers grip the hem of my tank top before he glides it up my body, over my breasts, and then over my head. He tosses it somewhere in the room, and then I feel his mouth on my breast.
His lips wrap around as much of my breast as he can take, his tongue swirls my nipple, and I swear I see stars. I don’t know what’s happening. If this is a dream or reality, I am afraid to open my eyes, afraid that if I do, I’ll wake up.
Lifting my hand, I grip the back of his hair, holding his face to my breast with a whimper. He grunts around my flesh as one of his hands moves down the center of my belly, then beneath the waist of my panties.
When I feel his fingers touch my clit, I almost jump off the mattress. My body jolts. At the same time, he releases my breast and starts to kiss down my belly. His fingers gently stroke me between my legs as he lets out a moan against my skin.
It’s too many sensations at once, and yet not enough.