Page 50 of Desecrated Reign

I toss a look over my shoulder towards the door, even though he can’t see me. “Yeah, come on in.”

He eases his way into the room, eyes bouncing around the space before finally landing on me. The first thing I notice is how dishevelled his appearance is, followed closely by the stench of whiskey wafting from him. His black tux is a little crinkled, and the bow-tie around his neck is sideways. Strands of his blond hair poke up in all different directions, almost as though he’s been pulling at it all morning. Honestly, he hasn’t been himself in a few weeks, and I’ve noticed ever since the night of my birthday party, he’s been indulging in a little too much alcohol.

“Is everything okay?” I watch him cross the room, tugging at the edge of his collar.

“Eh, yeah. Sorry. Just hate suits.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah… I’m good. Promise. Just a lot going on. I’ll be good though. It will figure itself out.” He holds up his hands before reaching into the inside pocket off his suit jacket. “Rohan asked me to give you this.” The words rush from his mouth as he thrusts a piece of paper towards me. Worry creeps through me. He’s not acting like his usual sarcastic self. Something isn’t right, and honestly, he looks as though he’s about to be sick.

He edges towards the door like he can’t get out of here fast enough. Maybe it has to do with the last time he was in this room with me, and how he found me after Donnacha attacked me in the bathroom. “Hey, why don’t you sit for a minute? You’re looking a little pale.”

“No, no. I’m good. Honestly.” He tosses his thumb over his shoulder. “The guests are arriving. Rohan asked me to show everyone to their seats.”

“Okay. Erm, I’ll see you down there?” I don’t mean it to sound like a question, but it does.

“Yeah.” He looks anywhere but at me. Then with a heavy exhale, he adds, “You look beautiful, Saoirse.”

Before I can thank him, he bolts. Weird.

Once the door clicks closed, I make my way towards the bed and take a seat on the edge and unfold the note Aodhán gave me.

Mo Bhanríon,

Come find me by the cherry trees.

I have something I want to give you before you become my wife.

All my love,

Your king. x

After sneaking down the stairs, I somehow manage to escape out the back door without alerting anyone. I haven’t seen Rohan since my mam whisked me away so we could go dress shopping two days ago, and to say I miss him would be a vast understatement. But apparently, it’s bad luck to see the groom before your wedding. Thankfully, my future husband is as impatient as I am. Following the pathway through the private gardens, I round the greenhouse and enter the grove of cherry blossom trees. I peer around, searching for any sign of Rohan, but I don’t see him anywhere.

Maybe he got held up while he was trying to sneak out. After all, the house is full of people.

A few minutes pass, and an unsettling feeling flips my stomach. Overcome with the sense of fear, my mouth dries and my heart rate picks up to a marching thud.

Run, my mind screams. One more glance around, and I convince myself I am being ridiculous. There’s no one out here, and even if there were, I’m a big girl and can handle myself. Besides, the estate is heavily guarded. Nobody is getting in here without an invitation, and Aodhán gave me the note from Rohan. I’m safe. This is my house, and I’m surrounded by my people.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I breath in a few calming breaths, then decide it best if I head back to the manor. With each step, flashes of how Aodhán was acting in my room rush to the forefront of my mind. I shake the thoughts away.

No. Aodhán is my friend. Rohan’s friend. He’d never—

“Hello, Saoirse.”



“Will you stop fucking pacing. You’d think you were the one getting married.” Next to me, Aodhán halts, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

“Is it hot in here? Fuck.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I level him with a glare as I mutter beneath my breath. “First you show up late, pissed as an ole fart, and now you’re acting shadier than a beach umbrella. Pull your shit together, man. People are watching.”

He lowers his gaze to the ground, and although he’s finally stopped walking the fucking walls, he’s still bouncing on the balls of his feet. I’ve noticed a change in him over the past month or so. He hasn’t been coming around much, and I’ve barely fucking seen him since Liam’s funeral. Actually, now that I think of it, he fell off the face of the earth before that, right around the time of Saoirse’s eighteenth. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but now is not the time to figure it out. Especially since there is a room full of people watching my every move.